The Strength Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

Strength Tarot

The Strength Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

The Strength tarot card is all about harnessing your inner power in astrology. This can be interpreted in a lot of ways, but in general, it means that you have the ability to overcome any obstacle that comes your way. 

Whether you’re dealing with a difficult situation in your love life, or if you’re struggling to make progress in your career, the Strength tarot card can provide guidance and comfort.

Drew The Strength card in a tarot deck? 

At Your Astrology Reading, we’re going to dive into the tarot card meanings of The Strength in the areas of love, career, and spirituality.

The Strength Tarot: Key facts


Strength, courage, compassion, focus, persuasion, influence


Self-doubt, weakness, insecurity, low energy, raw emotion

Yes or No








Astrological sign


The Strength tarot card description

Strength Tarot

You can see the image of a woman holding a full-grown lion’s jaws in this tarot card. Although the lion appears to be powerful and menacing, the woman seems to possess dominion over it. It is captivating to see how she controls the lion so gracefully. She is calm and collected, which represents being in control and disciplined, especially during adversity.

She also shows courage by holding the jaws of a lion. Her control without being overly rough shows love and compassion. As the mountains are blue in the background, they represent stability and calmness. 

Humans need courage, passion, and desire when it comes to their survival, and the lion is a symbol of these traits. However, if we don’t control these feelings, they could eventually destroy us.

The Strength tarot card general meaning (Upright)

The Strength Tarot card meanings represent inner strength in the Major Arcana. Mastering raw emotions is the key to bringing calm to yourself or a situation. It’s similar to The Chariot in that it represents overcoming obstacles. However, the Strength card differs slightly since it usually refers to inner challenges – so overcoming our own doubts, fears, and anxieties. 

Generally, this card represents a development of courage and daring as you deal with fears and anxieties. It’s now up to you to overcome your fears and believe in yourself. You have all the skills you need to succeed. If you are patient with yourself, compassionate, and mindful of your emotions, you will find that you have new confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Along with representing how you can control your emotions, strength can also represent the ability to control someone else’s wildness. You do this without dominating the other person, but rather by gently coaxing, reinforcing positive behavior, encouraging the other person, and showing compassion. 

The Strength tarot meaning for love & relationships (Upright)

When it comes to love and relationships, the Strength tarot card can represent taming the beast within your partner. It can also represent finding the courage to love someone who is very different from you.

The lion on The Strength tarot card can also symbolize your primal instincts and sexuality. If you’re single, this means that you have the courage to go after what you desire. And if you’re in a relationship, it means that you’re able to let go and be wild with your partner.

These tarot cards can also represent finding the balance between giving and receiving love. It’s important to have compassion for yourself and your partner. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your emotions, it’s okay to ask for help.

The Strength tarot card meaning for your money & career (Upright)

When it comes to your money and career meaning, the Strength tarot card can represent conquering your own fears and doubts. It can also represent having the courage to take risks – whether that means pursuing your own business venture, taking the next step in your career, or asking for that raise.

You may also find that you’re able to take charge and be a leader in your field. This is a time to trust your instincts and follow your heart. You have the strength to achieve your goals.

This card can also symbolize finding a balance between work and play. It’s important to have fun and enjoy what you do. But it’s also important to be disciplined and focused when it comes to your career.

The Strength tarot card meaning in spirituality (Upright)

In spirituality, the Strength tarot card readings can represent taming the ego. The ego is the part of us that’s constantly seeking validation and attention. It’s the part of us that gets defensive when we’re criticized and it’s what tells us to compare ourselves to others.

The lion on The Strength tarot card represents this. And taming the ego means learning to control our emotions and not letting them get the best of us. It means being mindful of our thoughts and not getting caught up in negative thinking.

It also means being compassionate – both to ourselves and others. Compassion is a powerful emotion that can help us connect with others and create meaningful relationships.

The Strength Tarot general meaning (Reversed)

The reversed Strength tarot meaning, it can represent succumbing to your fears, doubts, and being controlled by your emotions. This can lead to impulsive decisions and rash behavior.

Rather than indicating a lack of strength, you may really be paralyzed by fear, anxiety, or low self-esteem. You must summon your inner strength and self-belief to pull yourself out of your current situation now more than ever before. Your inner strength will help you overcome your obstacles. Spend time with people who build you up, stay away from people who make you feel inadequate. 

The Strength tarot meaning for love & relationships (Reversed)

When it comes to love and relationships, the Strength reversed tarot card readings can represent being controlled by your emotions. You may find yourself acting impulsively and making rash decisions. This can lead to problems in your relationships.

Bad relationships negatively affect your self-esteem, which can become a vicious circle. In order to resolve this issue, you must develop inner strength, self-confidence, and the conviction that you deserve better.

When Strength reversed is interpreted by a person who is in a relationship, it can indicate that while your connection is strong, your self-esteem may be preventing you from feeling worthy of the love you are receiving. As a result, you may act impulsively and behave in a way that is not truly reflective of your feelings for your partner. You shouldn’t let your fear or anxiety create problems that don’t exist.

The Strength tarot meaning for your money & career (Reversed)

When it comes to your money and career, the Strength card reversed can represent being controlled by your fears. You may be afraid to take risks or pursue your goals. This can lead to stagnation in your career.

It’s important to identify your fears and figure out what’s holding you back. Once you do that, you can begin to take steps to overcome them. Remember, you have the strength to achieve your goals. Trust your instincts and be confident in your abilities.

The Strength tarot meaning in spirituality (Reversed)

In spirituality, the Strength reversed tarot card can represent being controlled by your ego. It’s the part of us that gets defensive when we’re criticized and it’s what tells us to compare ourselves to others.

While you may have a strong connection to spirit but emotional worries a stopping you from sensing the connection. Try to let go of anxiety and self-doubt to bring this connection to the forefront. You will feel the benefits. 

The Strength tarot card in a YES or NO question

A Strength card suggests that you can achieve true control of a situation by relying on your inner strength. Outside forces do not have the power to change things for you, but you do.

Therefore, the Strength card almost always represents a yes in a Yes or No – Tarot reading. Rely on your intuition, your love, and your feminine power to solve the problem.

The Strength tarot card combinations

    • The Strength + The Chariot: Two of the strongest cards in the deck are Chariot and Strength. Often, Chariot is associated with pushing forward aggressively, while Strength is associated with using inner fortitude to ride out any difficulties. Combined, they represent the ability to overcome any obstacle with dignity. No matter what challenge you face, it will soon be a distant memory.
    • The Strength + The Justice: Justice and Strength together represent the need for balance in your life. You may be feeling pulled in too many directions and it’s important to take a step back and assess what’s important. After you’ve done that, you can move forward with a clear plan and a sense of purpose.
    • The Strength + The Tower: The Tower is a card of crisis and chaos, while Strength is a card of control and inner strength. Combined, they represent the need to face your fears head-on. What seems like a disaster at first may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Be brave and trust that you have the power to overcome any obstacle.

Parting words

The Strength card is a powerful one that reminds us of the importance of our inner strength. In love, we may need to work on our self-esteem. In our careers, we may need to take some risks. And in our spirituality, we may need to let go of our ego. But if we can do all of that, we will be unstoppable. Thanks for reading! We hope this was helpful.

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