13 Perfect Gifts for Astrology Lovers this Holiday

Gifts for Astrology Lovers

13 Perfect Gifts for Astrology Lovers this Holiday Season

This year has been a doozy for us, right? So many planets have come and gone over the horizon – so many relationships forged and shattered. So much love. So much hate. Such tumult! As we approach the end of yet another magical cycle that humanity has spun for itself, it’s time to look at what the stars have in store for us.

This holiday season is the perfect time for astrology lovers to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the future. What better way to do that than with a gift that celebrates their love of the stars? Here are 13 perfect gifts for astrology lovers this holiday season:


Lucy Tarot Reading

Let’s start the 13 Gifts for Astrology Lovers with This special tarot card reading pack is one of a kind by Angela Lucy, a renowned tarot card reader with over 20 years of experience in the field.

Reaching Lucy is incredibly convenient as she mostly does business through Facetime, Zoom meetings, Skype, or over the phone. It doesn’t matter where you are or your preferences; you can get quality private or business sessions.

Her website visitors must draw five cards to kickstart their self-discovery venture. Every selected card from the supply carries a secret message.

Master Li Tarot Reading

A lot of the tarot cards and their astrological readings sold online today are weak, watered-down versions of the powerful mystical cards that once moved mountains and gave godlike insights to mortals.

Being a member of an ancient, secretive group dedicated to bringing back the true tarot, Master Li puts deep tarot meaning and power back into the hands of ordinary people like us.

Master Li has bravely led underground initiatives to send true tarot cards and readings to underprivileged and oppressed countries like Myanmar and Tibet. He continues to fearlessly deliver astrological readings to thousands of astrology-obsessed friends worldwide.

So whether you’re a regular astrology lover looking for your true love or a business tycoon looking for your next big investment, Master Li’s tarot reading is the ultimate deck for any zodiac sign.

The inspiring story, Master Li’s decades-long tenure, and his bravery make his astrology deck one of the best gifts this holiday season.

Cosmic Energy Profile

We all carry the power within to make our desires manifest in this world.

What is holding you back? Are you letting fear hold you back? Or are you simply unaware of the infinite potentials that exist inside of you?

To help people overcome these issues, Cosmic Energy Profile (CEP) is one of the most effective gifts anyone could give any astrology lover.

CEP is an online platform that uses your birth data to give you a personal profile of your cosmic energy. It then provides you with personalized advice on how to work with and amplify your strongest cosmic energies in order to achieve your goals.

This powerful gift can help astrology lovers tap into their inner power and manifest their desires in the physical world in just a few short months. What’s cool about CEP is that all the information is delivered in your own “book.”

For example, “The Book of {Your Name}.” You can check it out on CEP’s website.

Numerology Forecast

Numerology and the study of numbers and their esoteric associations with astrology is one way to interpret an individual’s personality.

This gift pack includes a link to download Numerology Forecast, a series of forecasts by famous numerologists like Master Charles Cannon, Kelly Turner, and Carol Adrienne. Designed for the layperson, this product gives insightful and straightforward forecasts on love, relationship, money, career, and self-esteem.

If you want to gift your loved ones powerful insight into their character and inform them about upcoming challenges, lessons, and unexplored opportunities they’re meant to learn in life, then Numerology Forecast is a great option. 


Next up in the 13 Gifts for Astrology Lovers is Numerologist.com. It offers a 12-month forecast, birthday forecast, and a numerology compatibility report to give you a more in-depth understanding of your loved one’s personality.

They cover everything from deep desires you’ve been ignoring (and how to attain them) to how you can devote your energy most effectively. A personalized video report from Numerologist can also uncover any secret talents and hidden strengths—and how to use them to get what you truly want. 

All-in-all, this gift is perfect for anyone who wants to know what the future has in store for them, and how to take action to start achieving their goals. 

Royal Numerology

Royal Numerology offers a range of numerological tools and resources for students and professionals, including the Royal Ebook (which gives you access to all three books: Archetypal Numbers, The Key to Unlocking Your Life Purpose, and Understanding Symbolism in Numbers), free weekly forecasts from Master Charles Cannon, Kelly Tuner & Carol Adrienne, and a monthly numerology video tutorial.

This comprehensive numerology package is the perfect gift for any astrology lover who wants to go deeper into their understanding of numbers and their esoteric associations.

Soul Manifestation

Soul manifestation is yet another great astrology gift that informs participants on the path their soul is on at this point in their lives.

By entering your name, birth time, and email (for the personalized reading), you get a reflection of your soul and energy to learn new things about yourself or reaffirm existing traits.

After the insightful and eye-opening free readings, you’ll receive an in-depth, personalized soul path report covering multiple trajectories of your life, like on love, financial abundance, and your personality.

With the new year around the corner, Soul Manifestation can be a great way to give your loved ones an idea of what to expect in the newest chapter of their life.

10-minute Awakening Meditation

10-minute Awakening Meditation is a wonderful gift for astrology lovers who want to learn or improve their meditation skills.

This meditation package offers breathing exercises, guided meditations, ambient music and effects that help you develop your mind’s attention by focusing on the present moment.

Meditation has many benefits: peace of mind and better sleep, improved focus, reduced stress levels, enhanced creativity, and increased productivity.

This is a great tool for anyone who wants to improve their relationships or life in general. The goal is to let your spirit escape your physical body and connect with the cosmic universe.

The guide will be Paul Thomas, who’s a professional life coach, yoga practitioner, and more profound believer of destiny. And by starting 10 minutes a day, you can begin to change your loved ones’ lives bit by bit.

Astrotarot Reading

Astrotarot readings are detailed and insightful, offering a new perspective on the mysteries of life by connecting to an individual’s birth chart.

This Astrotarot package is ideal for anyone who wants to provide a unique gift that gives a personalized view of their loved one’s personality, relationships, career choices, and daily activities.

By going through Astrotarot, you’ll better understand the cosmic energy that surrounds us all.

With this guide as an astrology gift, you can learn how to use your own birth chart and determine an accurate interpretation of its energies, which will add a new dimension to your life.


Astrology.TV is a great resource for those who want to learn about astrology and their—or others’—zodiac signs.

When you enter the site, you’ll be asked for your name and date of birth. After which, you’re presented with a video revealing your zodiac signs character.

After learning about your path and understanding your personality on a deeper level, you can enter your email address to get a customized shadow reading to learn what’s stopping you from getting what you really want in life.

The best gift you can give your loved ones or horoscope-obsessed friends during this holiday is hope for a better future, and Astrology TV helps make that happen.

Your Astrology Language

This is another astrology gift through a website where you can choose your zodiac sign and get detailed and personalized readings into your life, windows of opportunity to make progress each month, and a clear how-to on using this energy.

You can provide your email for a comprehensive astrological online reading that will give you the tools to make the right choices when faced with obstacles and explain how to deal with life’s challenges in a constructive way. By learning how to best navigate relationships and your emotional state, you’ll avoid negative behavior patterns and make better decisions for yourself.

Your Astrology Language is all about value. Once you’re done reading your free report, you can buy your special energy report book showing you how to use Eastern and Western Astrology. On top of that, you get 6 additional bonus books worth $697 included.

If you’re looking for a value-packed astrology book specially made for every zodiac sign for family or a friend, Your Astrology Language is a thoughtful gift.

Individualogist Element Reading

This unique gift provides a personalized horoscope reading and report that delves deep into an individual’s character.

The report is based on your date, time and location of birth, as well as your zodiac sign. It includes an in-depth look at your personality traits, strengths and weaknesses, innate talents career options, relationship compatibility, and health prospects.

It’s the perfect present for anyone who wants to know more about themselves or those who are curious about astrology and want to explore the possibilities it offers.

The report is approximately 30 pages long and available in digital and hard copy formats.

Call of Destiny

Last but not least, Call of Destiny is exactly what is in the name. This popular website reveals things most people don’t know about their zodiac sign.

All you have to do is pick your sign and get a detailed video presentation on your sun sign (overview on who you are), moon sign (emotions, instincts, your “dark side”), and ascendent.

Users provide personal information like name, city of birth, and birth date. Call of Destiny will reveal important details about your identity that shape who you are. And to reveal the ascendant, you need to add your birth time.

The great thing about CoD is that you can answer a series of questions that allows the reader to accurately estimate your birth time, allowing for a truly personalized response even if you forget or don’t know your birth time.


There you have it: 13 Gifts for Astrology Lovers written in the stars for your loved ones to help them understand themselves and the world around them.

Of course, astrology is a very complex subject, and this list doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. But it’s a great start for anyone who wants to get acquainted with the study of stars and their influence on human life.

So go ahead and get your friends or family what they really want this holiday: themselves. Happy holidays.

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