The Justice Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

Justice tarot

The Justice Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

The Justice tarot card is one of the most important cards in a tarot deck. It’s often seen as a sign of balance and fairness, and it can be interpreted in many ways depending on the question being asked. In general, it represents truth, law, and morality.

Did you draw The Justice from the tarot deck?

At Your Astrology Reading, we’re going to dive into the tarot card meanings of The Justice in the areas of love, career, and spirituality.

Let’s get to it.

The Justice Tarot: Key facts


Fairness, balance, integrity, life lessons


Injustice, dishonesty, lack of accountability

Yes or No








Astrological sign


The Justice tarot card description

Justice tarot

Justice is the tarot card representing fairness, honesty, and law. Her left hand represents how intuition and logic should be balanced as she sits in her chair. With the double-edged sword in her right hand, she symbolizes impartiality. To dispense justice, one must think clearly, as shown by the square on the crown she wears. Standing behind her are gray pillars and a purple cloak. And beneath her red robe that’s held together by a clasp, she shows the tip of a white shoe. She is reminding us that her actions produce the outcomes she delivers.

The Justice tarot card general meaning (Upright)

The Justice upright tarot card pertains to karmic justice, legal disputes, and cause and effect. Generally speaking, it’s about showing you that actions have consequences. Take a step back and look at your present circumstances in that light. How have your own actions contributed to where you are today? What karmic lessons can you learn from your current situation? 

As Major Arcana card, The Justice also speaks of a fair and balanced resolution of legal matters. If you’re involved in a legal process, this is generally a good sign that things will go your way. Since justice is concerned with truth and integrity, you may find yourself compelled to speak the truth and that you value honesty and integrity more than ever before.

There may be circumstances that upset your equilibrium. You may not have control over all of them. As events unfold, you must maintain an even keel. Whenever the Justice card appears in a Tarot reading, it can also indicate that you are weighing up all your options and balancing the scales.

The Justice tarot meaning for love & relationships (Upright)

In matters of love and relationships, the Justice tarot card refers to harmony, equilibrium, and balance. It can indicate that your relationship is becoming more mature and settled as you become more able to negotiate compromises. But whether Justice is a good or bad omen really depends on how you and your partner behave. If you’re both honest and self-accountable, harmony and bigger commitments will surely follow. It can even indicate marriage!

Alternatively, The Justice tarot card can mean the possibility of a deep and meaningful partnership based on mutual understanding, respect, commitment, and trust. It may signify that you are ready to commit to a partner or have committed in the past but have since drifted apart. It also happens to be the Tarot card that corresponds to Libra, so one may very well be coming into your life.

Related: Tarot Cards for Each Sign: The Ultimate Guide 

The Justice tarot meaning for your money & career (Upright)

The career meaning for when the Justice appears in an upright position suggests that you need to balance work and personal lives. Ensure you take a break when necessary because career is important and you can’t afford burnout. 

There’s nothing wrong with having ambition, provided you can support yourself financially. But at the same time, remember that most people aren’t wondering if they should’ve spent more time at work on their deathbed – it’s one of the life lessons learned by many at old age. 

As you build and maintain a career you can be proud of, you should also make time for those who are most important to you. When it comes to money and business, The Justice card literally shows you how to balance your books, as well as how to behave with integrity. If you plan to take a chance on something, this card is a good omen.  

The Justice tarot meaning in spirituality (Upright)

From a spiritual perspective, The upright Justice card is all about balance. It’s essential to have faith but don’t be so wrapped up in your beliefs that you’re unable to see reason. Be tolerant of other people’s beliefs but don’t let anyone take advantage of your good nature. Find a middle ground and stick to it. 

This card can also indicate that you need to detach yourself from material things. Don’t become too attached to your possessions or your sense of self. These things are fleeting and they won’t bring you lasting happiness. Find true joy in the moment and in the simple things in life.

The Justice Tarot general meaning (Reversed)

The reversed Justice tarot card meaning is often not a good sign. It can indicate that you’re being too hard on yourself or someone else. You may be feeling resentful and bitter because you feel like you’ve been treated unfairly. Alternatively, you could be the one in the wrong but unwilling to admit it.

Additionally, The reversed Justice card advises that you’re out of balance. You may be working too hard and not making enough time for your personal life. Alternatively, you may be neglecting your work in favor of your personal life. Either way, this is not a sustainable lifestyle and something needs to change.

When reversed, The Justice tarot card can also indicate that you’re struggling to make a decision. You may be putting too much pressure on yourself by trying to balance everything at once and feel overwhelmed. Instead, try focusing on one thing at a time and you’ll find that the rest will fall into place.

The Justice tarot meaning for love & relationships (Reversed)

In a relationship context, The Justice tarot card in a reversed position can indicate that you’re in a power struggle with your partner. One of you may be trying to control the other. Alternatively, you could be feeling suffocated by your relationship and longing for more freedom.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as it can simply indicate that you’re craving change. If this is the case, take some time to evaluate your relationship objectively and see where it’s working and where it isn’t. Talk to your partner about what you need from them in order to feel fulfilled and make changes accordingly.

Ultimately, The Justice reversed card can also mean that you’re feeling wronged in a relationship. If you’re in a situation where you’re being mistreated, it’s important to stand up for yourself and set boundaries. Don’t be afraid to walk away from a toxic situation, even if it’s difficult. You deserve better.

The Justice tarot meaning for your money & career (Reversed)

The reversed Justice tarot card in a career context can indicate that you need to be more humble. You may be overestimating your abilities and trying to tackle too many things at once. Alternatively, you could feel like someone is taking advantage of your benevolence and generosity.

This isn’t the time for confrontation or for making bold decisions about your career. Instead, take a step back and reassess your situation. Make sure you’re realistic about what you can handle and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Once you have a clear plan, you can move forward with confidence.

In terms of money, The Justice reversed card suggests that you’re out of balance. You could be focusing too much on your work and neglecting your personal life. Alternatively, you could be so consumed with spending money that you’re ignoring bills that need to be paid.

Whatever the case may be, it’s important to prioritize both aspects of your life in order to stay financially healthy. Be honest about what you can afford and plan accordingly.

The Justice tarot meaning in spirituality (Reversed)

When reversed, The Justice tarot card meanings in a spiritual context can indicate that you’re struggling with self-judgement or fear. You may be putting too much pressure on yourself to live up to others’ expectations.

Instead of judging yourself by your perceived shortcomings, try focusing on the positive aspects of your life instead. Once you’ve done that, you can work on making your weaknesses strengths and improving yourself bit by bit.

Above all, The Justice reversed card asks you to be gentle with yourself as you work through any personal struggles. Taking things too seriously or beating yourself up is only going to slow down your spiritual growth. Instead, allow the process to unfold naturally and remember to nurture yourself along the way.

The Justice tarot card in a YES or NO question

Since The Justice tarot card meanings imply fairness, balance, and represents a strong sense of karma and outcomes of actions, there isn’t a definitive “Yes” or “No”, it really depends on the situation. 

For example, if you’re asking about a situation where fairness and balance are important, such as legal complications or an argument with your partner, then the answer is probably “Yes.” You will get what you deserve in these types of situations.

However, if you’re asking about something less tangible, such as whether it’s a good idea to ask for a raise, the answer will be “No.” You may not get what you want right now. Instead, focus on improving your skills and qualifications to try again in the future when you have a better chance of success.

Ultimately, The Justice reversed card is all about choosing your actions wisely and accepting the consequences that come with them.

The Justice tarot card combinations

    • The Justice + The Tower: This pair of Major Arcana cards signifies that harmony is about to return – but not before a period of difficult change, as depicted by the Tower. In order to reach what lies on the other side, we sometimes need to be willing to walk through the fire. No matter how challenging, do not resist or avoid the pain. Even though you were going the wrong way before, you can still turn things around.
    • The Justice + The Hierophant: This combination of Major Arcana tarot cards suggests that you are about to enter a time of learning and spiritual growth. The Hierophant will provide you with strength and guidance as you travel on your inner journey. Look for opportunities to deepen your connection with yourself, the world around you, and a higher power. You are embarking on a new path that will lead you to wisdom and understanding.
    • The Justice + The Chariot: When these two Major Arcana tarot cards appear together, it suggests that you are about to embark on a journey of personal transformation. The Chariot represents the power of change, and The Justice card reminds us that we always have a choice. No matter what life throws your way, know that you have the power to choose your reaction and make the changes you need in order to better yourself. You can come out stronger on the other side if you stay positive and focused. Trust in yourself and the universe will provide.

Parting words

No matter what position The Justice tarot card meanings in astrology are a reminder to stay true to yourself. Be honest in your actions and words, and be fair to others. What goes around comes around, so make sure you are putting out positive energy into the world.

The reversed card meanings show that this is not a time to focus on self-judgment or fear. Instead, try to focus on the positive aspects of your life. If you can do that, you will be on your way to restore balance and achieving harmony.

Thanks for reading!

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