The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

Lovers tarot

The Lovers Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

The Lovers tarot card is all about relationships, both personal and professional. It can indicate a time when you are making important choices about your love life or your career. The reversed Lovers tarot card can mean that you are struggling with these decisions, or that you are not being true to yourself.

Drew the The Lovers card from the tarot deck?

At Your Astrology Reading, we’re going to dive into its tarot card meanings in the areas of love, career, and spirituality.

Ready? Let’s go.

The Lovers Tarot: Key facts


Love, harmony, partnerships, choices


Disbalance, one-sidedness, disharmony

Yes or No








Astrological sign


The Lovers tarot card description

Lovers tarot

On the Lovers card, an angel shields and blesses the man and woman in the image. The couple appears to be secure and happy in their home, which resembles the Garden of Eden. Behind the woman is a fruit tree with a snake, a symbolic representation of humanity’s fall into temptation and into the realm of flesh and sensuality. 

Here we can see Raphael, the angel of air – a member of the same element as the zodiac sign governing this card: Gemini. The astrological element of Air is associated with mental activity, and especially with communication, an integral part of healthy relationships. As a result of his blessing, this card seems to symbolize the union of two opposing forces in a grand and cosmic sense. 

The Lovers tarot card general meaning (Upright)

In the Lovers card, we see perfect union, harmony, love and attraction. They could be thought of as a symbol of one’s own inner balance. As you develop your own moral code and find out what you value in life, you’re learning more about yourself. Your life will be more harmonious and balanced as a result. 

The Lovers Tarot card typically indicates that you’re faced with difficult choices or are dealing with a dilemma. Perhaps you feel unsure of how to handle certain situations, people in your life, or what direction you should take. Nevertheless, these are important decisions you must face head-on. 

Remember not to take the easy way out. Make sure you have all the information before making a decision. It may seem like a difficult path, but it will lead you to greater things.

The Lovers tarot meaning for love & relationships (Upright)

The Lovers card is one of the best cards you can get in a Tarot reading about love or relationships. It represents kindred spirits and an intense bond between two people. For those who are still single, love will find them soon! The attraction will go beyond mere infatuation. You will experience a strong attraction, as well as sexual passion, romance, and a deep connection and mutual understanding.

If you’re in a relationship, this Major Arcana card indicates a flame that’s going to burn brighter than ever. Your bond with your partner will grow and deepen beyond your wildest dreams. The Lovers card is a telling sign that you and your partner have an unparalleled spiritual, emotional, and physical connection that should be cherished.

The Lovers tarot card meaning for your money & career (Upright)

With your business partner on the same page, you will work well together for some fruitful results. If the Lovers card appears in the career Tarot, it may also indicate that a work colleague may be interested in a romantic relationship. But be careful when mixing business with pleasure – make sure you understand the risks involved and have prepared for them.

This tarot card can also hint that you’ll have to make a life-changing career decision soon. Even if it may seem like you’re faced with only undesirable choices, know that’s not the case. Just be sure you have all the facts so you can make an informed decision, absent emotion. During this time you may be preparing for a big shift, a job change, or it may seem like something you don’t want, but it will benefit you in the long run. In terms of finances, now is a good time to seek financial opportunities as you will attract good fortune. 

The Lovers tarot card meaning in spirituality (Upright)

In a spiritual context, The Lovers Tarot card appears when you need help to find harmony within. In the same way as the general meaning, this is a result of learning more about yourself, who you’re, and what your personal principles are. Developing this understanding allows you to gain a greater understanding of your spirituality. 

It’s a bonus if you have a spiritual partner in your spiritual journey, who can take part or encourage you for something as simple as taking a meditation class or other spiritual practice.

The Lovers Tarot general meaning (Reversed)

It’s possible that the Lovers Tarot reversed indicates that you’re having difficulty accepting the consequences of your actions. Consequently, you’re experiencing turmoil within yourself. you’re uncertain about the direction your life is taking. Remember that you’re in control of your destiny. 

If you made decisions that led to your situation, don’t blame the universe. Take responsibility, learn from past mistakes, and let them go. This will enable you to move ahead in the direction of a position. By learning about yourself, your values, and your beliefs, you can avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.

The Lovers tarot meaning for love & relationships (Reversed)

If you’re in a relationship, the reversed Lovers card can indicate that while you and your partner are still great sexually, you may not be on the same page in other areas. In some cases, it may also indicate the degree to which one partner is emotionally invested in the relationship. There may be issues with trust or fear preventing you from taking full advantage of the relationship. Perhaps your goals, values, and expectations are different. 

You may have both felt connected on many levels when you started the relationship, but you don’t feel as close as you did before. Look at the supporting cards to find out what the problem is. If the relationship is to survive, these differences must be resolved. In the case of a single person, The Lovers reversed does indicate being in love soon, but maybe not as soon as you thought. 

On the other hand, it can also represent picking partners for the wrong reasons. This Major Arcana card suggests that if you want to connect with someone on several levels, you should do so more than once. Having a sexual connection, no matter how intense, is not sufficient for a relationship to succeed.

The Lovers tarot meaning for your money & career (Reversed)

In a career context, The Lovers reversed can indicate discord in a partnership. Communicate with your business partner and make sure you both agree on the direction the business is taking and your goals for the future. Additionally, The reversed Lovers card represents romance at work, but with a warning attached. It could put your career at risk. 

When mixing business with pleasure, make sure you understand the consequences and are ready to accept them if things go awry. The Lovers reversed can be interpreted as being impulsive with money and being financially irresponsible. A materialistic person may seek instant gratification through material means. Remember to always be accountable for your decisions and to learn from your mistakes.

The Lovers tarot meaning in spirituality (Reversed)

The Lovers card reversed in a spiritual context means that you have been focusing on material pursuits to try and fill your life with meaning. Although you may feel good temporarily, it won’t bring you harmony. Explore your spiritual side and discover who you really are. The rewards will be far greater. 

The Lovers tarot card in a YES or NO question

When seeking a yes or no answer, the Lovers tarot card is often chosen since it represents uncertainty and choices.

You should put all doubt aside if you are at a crossroads – the answer is a YES.

The Lovers tarot card combinations

    • The Lovers + The Empress: There is warmth in the air when the Empress falls with the Lovers tarot card. Within a short time, you will feel overwhelming joy, and this emotion will permeate every relationship you cherish.
    • The Lovers + The Fool: The Fool and The Lovers tarot card combinations represent new beginnings in a time of uncertainty. You’re about to take a big risk, but it will pay off. When these two Major Arcana cards come together, it’s an excellent time to start a new relationship or to make your current one more exciting.
    • The Lovers + The Magician: While The Magician represents skill, mastery, and originality, The Lovers signifies harmony. When these tarot cards come together, it’s an indication that both individuals in the relationship—be it romantic or platonic, are learning to embrace each other’s differences and hobbies.

Parting words

The Lovers tarot card is a positive omen regardless of the position in which it appears. It’s a reminder that we should cherish our relationships and to never take them for granted.  

If you’re in a relationship, make an effort to connect with your partner on a deeper level. If you’re single, The Lovers tarot card indicates that love is on the horizon. Be open to meeting new people and exploring new possibilities. Remember to stay true to yourself, and don’t settle for less than you deserve.

We hope you enjoyed this post on The Lovers tarot card meaning. Thanks for reading!

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