The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

Hanged Man

The Hanged Man Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

The Hanged Man appears as one of the most enigmatic cards in the Tarot deck. It often confounds people because of its contradictory symbolism. On the one hand, it can be seen as a card of sacrifice and martyrdom, while on the other hand, it can represent liberation and self-realization in astrology.

So what does The Hanged Man mean in a Tarot reading?

If you drew a reversed or upright Hanged Man card, look no further. At Your Astrology Reading, we’re going to dive into the tarot card meanings of The Hanged Man in the areas of love, career, and spirituality.

The Hanged Man Tarot: Key facts


Letting go, sacrificing, pausing to reflect, uncertainty, spiritual development


Discontentment, stagnation, negative patterns, no solution, fear of sacrifice

Yes or No








Astrological sign


The Hanged Man tarot card description

Hanged Man

On this card, we see a man hanging upside down from a living world tree by his foot. Rooted deep in the underground, this tree is known to support the heavens. A hanging man is believed to be able to place himself there on his own free will. His serene expression gives us some reason for believing this. He has bound his right foot to the branches, but his left foot is free.

While doing so, he forms an inverted triangle with his hands behind his back. The red pants he wears represent the physical body and human passion while the blue shirt is symbolic of calm emotions, a color combination often associated with saints. Yellow is the color of his shoes, hair, and halo, which represent his intellect. 

The Hanged Man tarot card general meaning (Upright)

The Hanged Man’s message indicates that you are unsatisfied with your situation. Like The Devil, you may feel stuck or trapped in a frame of mind that is not making you happy, but remember you have the power to move forward. 

You may need to leave the situation or change your perspective on it. Hanged Man can also mean that you’re in a bind and uncertain of what to do. With this Major Arcana card in your Tarot spread, you may feel like things aren’t going the way you planned. It’s time to step outside yourself and look at your situation from a different angle. Let things be, stop trying to control them. The right thing to do will become apparent in time.

The Hanged Man tarot meaning for love & relationships (Upright)

The Hanged Man in a love Tarot reading can mean that you’re feeling stuck in your relationship. There may be some unresolved issues between you and your partner that are causing tension. You may need to take a break from the relationship to clear your head and figure out what you really want.

If you’re single, The Hanged Man indicates that you might not be ready to commit to a relationship. You may be hesitant to let someone in, or you may need some time to heal from a past heartbreak.

The Hanged Man tarot card meaning for your money & career (Upright)

If you think about your career, the Hanged Man represents uncertainty or stagnation. You may not know what to do to move your career forward. If you have trouble making a decision, know that you don’t have to make it right now. Let things unfold as they will. It will all make sense soon.

If you’re having financial problems, you need a fresh perspective. It is possible that your financial anxiety is making them seem worse than they really are, or that you are not appreciating positive things happening in other areas because you are too focused on money.  

The Hanged Man tarot card meaning in spirituality (Upright)

The Hanged Man often appears when you are at a crossroads in your spiritual journey. You may feel like you’re not making any progress, or like you’re stuck in the same place.

The tarot card meanings can also indicate that you need to let go of something before you can move on. It might be a bad habit, a grudge, or something else that’s holding you back.

The Hanged Man Tarot general meaning (Reversed)

When the Hanged Man is reversed it can indicate that you are being impulsive and making rash decisions to distract yourself from some sort of inner conflict. In general, this Major Arcana trump card suggests that you have sprung from one bad situation to the next without considering where this is taking you.

Feel free to ask yourself whether there are feelings you are avoiding confronting or if there are changes you know have to be made but are reluctant to implement. How might those fears manifest? If you’re unsure of what you want to do with your life, just stop, breathe, and wait for things to become clearer. If, however, you know your behavior patterns are not working for you, change them. How you view life determines how it views you!​

The Hanged Man tarot meaning for love & relationships (Reversed)

The Hanged Man reversed meaning can suggest you haven’t learned anything from your mistakes and have been repeating the same bad patterns over and over. It’s possible you’re rushing from one bad relationship to the next without considering your role in choosing them. Think about why this keeps happening, and what you have to do within yourself to change it.

The Hanged Man symbolizes that a relationship isn’t working, but you or your partner are holding on for fear of being alone or having to start over. The relationship could also be salvageable, but you’re not prepared to deal with whatever’s bothering you.

The Hanged Man tarot meaning for your money & career (Reversed)

When it comes to work, The Hanged Man reversed suggests things may be bad, but you do not have the will or inclination to deal with the problems. Feel like you can’t change your situation? You might be blaming others. This is your chance to take back control.

Don’t just sit back and let life happen to you, especially if it’s not taking you where you want to go. If you see this Major Arcana card, you might feel like you’re paralyzed by your fear of financial hardship. Take some advice from a professional if you’re struggling financially. Getting things moving in the right direction might just require a fresh perspective.

The Hanged Man tarot meaning in spirituality (Reversed)

In a spiritual sense, a reversed Hanged Man Tarot card indicates that you may have lost your way. Perhaps you seek gratification through shallow means rather than connecting with your higher self.

The Hanged Man reversed is also a stronger indicator that old beliefs aren’t working. It’s time for you to consider new spiritual paths. Your connection to your higher consciousness may be renewed after embarking on a new path.

The Hanged Man tarot card in a YES or NO question

May be is the answer in a Yes or No tarot question. The Hanged Man suggests the possibility of metamorphosis through the breaking of patterns, letting go, or changing phases. While it may suggest a need to give up something in order to gain a fresh perspective, it has no positive or negative connotations.

The Hanged Man tarot card combinations

    • The Hanged Man + The Hierophant: Hanged Man and Hierophant connect when a person is not sure what to believe. There can be confusion in relation to a specific situation, or it can be more general with these tarot cards. For example, a person may wonder whether their lover is lying to them or ponder if the religious beliefs they were raised with are true. The Hanged Man encourages you to examine things patiently if you are questioning your faith.
    • The Hanged Man + The Tower: The Hanged Man card and The Tower often appear together when a person is at a crossroads and must make an important decision. There can be many options, but it’s unclear which one is right. This combination suggests that the answer will come through reflection and meditation.
    • The Hanged Man + Death: This pairing indicates that something must come to an end before transformation can occur. This can be the ending of a relationship, a job, or a way of life. It’s often difficult, but it’s necessary for growth.
    • The Hanged Man + The Devil: The Hanged Man and The Devil appear together when someone is in bondage to their own desires. They may be addicted to a substance, obsessed with someone, or slaves to their own greed. This combination suggests that the person needs to break free from their self-destructive habits.

Parting words

The Hanged Man is a complex tarot card with many different meanings in astrology. In a reading, it can represent a need for change, letting go, or finding a new perspective. It can also indicate that someone is in a difficult situation but unwilling to make the necessary changes. The key is to be patient and trust that the answer will come in time. Thanks for reading!

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