The Empress Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

The Empress tarot

The Empress Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

Did you draw The Empress from the tarot deck?

You’re probably wondering what this means in astrology.

The Empress is the third trump or Major Arcana card in a Tarot deck. She represents the principle of fertility and abundance.

In tarot readings, she often indicates growth and prosperity. At Your Astrology Reading, we’re going to cover the astrological implications of The Empress tarot card in the contexts of love & relationships, career and finances, and spirituality.

Ready? Let’s go.

The Empress Tarot: Key facts


Femininity, nurturing, fertility, abundance


Dependence, smothering, emptiness

Yes or No








Astrological sign


The Empress tarot card description

The Empress tarot

The Empress is a beautiful, bountiful woman seated on a throne of nature.

As she sits on cushions that are embroidered with venus signs, she wears a pomegranate-patterned robe representing fertility. An enchanting green forest surrounds her, and a river runs through it – The Empress brings abundance and blessings to those she meets through her readings.

A crown of twelve stars adorns her head. These stars illustrate her divine connection to the mystical realm and the cycles of the natural world (twelve months and twelve planets). In her right hand, she holds a scepter topped with a globe. This represents her stability and power.

This tarot card suggests that you, too, have everything you need to achieve your goals. You are supported by your natural talents and abilities. Trust that you can accomplish anything you set your mind to.

The Empress tarot card general meaning (Upright)

When The Empress is upright in a tarot reading, it suggests that you are in a time of fertility, growth, and abundance. There’s a strong connection with our feminity.

If you are a mother, you will truly come into your own and find fulfillment. Fathers, The Empress urges you to strengthen your communication with your children and show them your nurturing side.

No matter your age, when The Empress appears the message is the same: embrace your soft side, explore your emotions, and listen to your intuition. You will attract people to you, especially those in need of empathy, compassion, and nurturing.

The Empress tarot meaning: Love & relationships (Upright)

When it comes to love and relationships, The Empress suggests that things are blooming. If you’re single, you will attract many suitors. If you’re in a relationship, it will be strengthened by your increased emotional intimacy. No matter which way you roll, the Empress card is an indicator of good sex.

This is a time when you can let go of your inhibitions and really open up to your partner. Be honest about your feelings, share your fantasies, and let them see the real you. If you’re looking for a new relationship, The Empress is a sign that you will find someone who is everything you’ve ever wanted.

The Empress tarot card meaning: Money & career (Upright)

If you’re wondering about your career, The Empress is a good sign. It suggests that you will find success and stability in your current field. If you’re looking for a new job, this is a time when you can explore your options and make a change.

This is also a time of financial abundance. If you’ve been struggling to make ends meet, The Empress suggests that things are about to turn around. You will have the resources you need to make your dreams a reality.

You’ll be feeling quite creative with new ideas coming left and right. It’s probable that you’re a charismatic beacon who inspires those around you.

The Empress tarot card meaning in spirituality (Upright)

In the spiritual realm, The Empress is a sign that you are connected to the natural world. You have a strong intuition and are in tune with your emotions. This is a time when you can use your spiritual gifts to help others.

You may be called to work with children, the elderly, or those who are sick. You have a compassionate and nurturing nature that can be a great comfort to those in need.

The Empress is also a sign of psychic abilities. If you’ve been curious about your ability to read Tarot cards, this is a good time to explore it further.

The Empress Tarot general meaning (Reversed)

Whenever The Empress is reversed, it emphasizes the importance of embracing your feminine qualities, as you have neglected your feminine side and need to embrace it in order to balance your masculine and feminine energies. 

It may be that you are too focused on the material and mental aspects of your life, instead of the spiritual and emotional. An Empress reversed can indicate many types of disharmony. By putting others’ needs above your own, you may be hurting yourself. It’s also possible to feel so overwhelmed emotionally that you push away people who matter to you. Additionally, you may feel unattractive and undesirable and your confidence may have suffered. 

In order to correct this imbalance, you need to shift your focus and ground yourself. For parents of grown children, it can be a sign of empty-nest syndrome. 

The Empress reversed tarot meaning: Love & relationships

When The Empress is reversed in a love and relationships reading, it can indicate that you’re hiding your true self from the many prospects out there who are ready for something deeper.

If you’re in a relationship, then it could mean that you’re not sharing your true feelings and suppressing emotions for the sake of the relationship. But the lack of communication and expressions is the recipe for a ticking time bomb. You may be so focused on your career or other goals that you don’t have time for them. Or you may fear rejection or confrontation. This can lead to feelings of loneliness and resentment.

Stand up for yourself and don’t be afraid of setting your boundaries. At the end of the day, no relationship is worth saving if you’re inevitably unhappy.

The Empress reversed tarot meaning: Money & career

If The Empress appears reversed in reading about your career, it may be a sign that you’re not using your talents to their fullest potential.

You may be in a job that doesn’t challenge you or make you happy. It’s possible that you’re being taken advantage of by someone in a position of power. Alternatively, you may be putting your own needs last in order to please others.

It’s time to put yourself first. Consider what it is that you really want and make a plan to get there. Don’t be afraid to take risks. The Empress reversed can also suggest financial instability. This is a time to be conservative with your spending and focus on building your savings.

The Empress reversed tarot meaning in spirituality

In the spiritual realm, The Empress reversed can indicate that you’ve lost touch with your intuition. You may be disconnected from your emotions and feel lost. This is a time to reconnect with your spirituality and tap into your psychic abilities.

You may need to take some time for yourself to reconnect with your innermost thoughts and feelings. Meditation, journaling, and spending time in nature can all be helpful.

The Empress tarot card in a YES or NO question

When The Empress tarot card appears in a reading to answer a YES or NO question, the answer is usually YES.

The Empress is a very positive card that suggests good things to come. However, if the context of the question is such that The Empress would not be a favorable outcome (for example, will I get fired from my job?), then the answer would be NO, again ultimately in your favor.

The Empress tarot card combinations

    • The Empress + Two of Cups: If you’ve pulled this pair, then it’s a sign of a blossoming relationship that works to the growth and prosperity of both partners.
    • The Empress + Three of Pentacles: This suggests that your hard work is starting to pay off in your career. You may receive a promotion or raise.
    • The Empress + The Tower: This combination can be indicative of a major life event, such as losing a job, going through a divorce, or experiencing some other type of upheaval. However, it’s also a sign that you have the strength to overcome any obstacle.

Parting words

The Empress is a powerful tarot card that suggests fertility, creation, and abundance.

In a tarot meaning, she can represent your own femininity or the feminine energy in the situation. She can also be a sign of success in your career or relationship.

However, if The Empress appears reversed, it’s a sign that you’re out of balance. You may be putting your own needs last or neglecting your relationships. It’s time to take care of yourself and focus on what you want.

Have you ever pulled The Empress in a tarot reading? What did it mean for you? Let us know in the comments below!

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