Understanding the Moon Sign in Astrology: Your 2022 Guide for Each Zodiac Sign

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Understanding the Moon Sign in Astrology: Your 2022 Guide for Each Zodiac Sign

Let’s face it: the sun gets an unfair amount of love in astrology. What about your moon sign? What does that mean in astrology? And how will this impact the way you experience life and love?

The moon sign in astrology, as we all know, has a huge influence on our moods and behaviors. We’re no different from animals like cats or dogs who can be emotionally affected by the lunar cycle—some of us might even say we’ve got lunacy

So it’s no surprise that the moon sign plays a big role in astrology. In this article, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about what the moon represents in astrology, including what it means for each astrological house.


What is a moon sign?

Your moon sign is the placement of the moon in your horoscope birth chart. It’s considered the second most important influence on your horoscope after the sun (surprise, surprise). Just like with your sun sign, you can look up what this means to find out more about yourself and how you interact with others. We’ll talk a bit about what it all means below.

How the moon sign differs from the sun sign

It’s important to remember that the sun sign and moon sign are two different things. The sun sign reflects your “outer” personality – the persona you put on for the world. The moon sign, however, is all about the inner self like your intuition and subconscious, and how you react to things emotionally. It’s associated with family, home life, and your innermost feelings.

So while the sun sign might be similar to the zodiac sign you’re typically known by, the moon sign can be very different. In fact, it’s not uncommon for someone to have a completely different moon and sun sign.

How to find your moon sign

Just as with the sun signs, you can calculate your exact moon placement in a natal chart. You’ll need a birth time and date for this – so if you don’t know it yet, now’s a great time to go check it out.

If you’re already familiar with the basics, you know how to look up your sun sign. But maybe you haven’t checked the horoscope of the moon in your natal chart yet. Even if that’s the case, it’s easy enough to find on most horoscope websites. Just look for your sun sign, and then scroll down to “moon” or “lunar phase.”

Here’s a quick step-by-step from WikiHow:

    1. Write down your birthday: To figure out your moon sign, you must first know when you were born. Keep track of the month, date, and year you were born. Use either an online calculator or a professional astrologer to figure this out.
    2. Write down your birth time: This information is typically found on your birth certificate. If you don’t have a copy, try contacting your parents or searching through old family photo albums for clues.
    3. Record your place of birth: Next you’ll need to figure out where you were born. Your birthplace affects the moon’s position in the sky, so it’s important to know exactly where you were born like the city. 
    4. Plug information into a reliable online moon sign calculator: Find a credible online calculator where you can punch in your birth time, date, and place of birth. If all is entered correctly, you’ll get an accurate result—from where you can officially learn more about your moon sign (found in sections below).

Once you know your moon signs, it’s time to learn about what it means in astrology.

What does your moon sign mean?

The moon sign is all about your emotions and relationships. It reveals how you react and respond to others, as well as how you deal with your feelings. When it comes to your moon sign, the focus is on your inner world and how you interact with those around you.

Think about the house that your moon sign occupies in your natal chart. This is the area of life that will be most affected by your moon sign. For example, if your moon is in the second house of your chart, you’ll be more concerned with financial security and your material possessions.

Moon in Aries

Aries moons are enthusiastic and headstrong. They love to fight for what they believe in, but this also makes them quick to anger. If someone hurts their feelings, they don’t hesitate to let everyone know. When it comes to their relationships, they enjoy being the dominant one – and they might not be too forgiving if someone steps out of line.

An Aries moon often has a strong independent streak. They’re not afraid of hard work, and they’ll do whatever it takes to get what they want. They’re also very determined, so they’ll never give up on a goal.

Common feelings: energetic, passionate, aggressive.

Common behaviors: competitive, daring, impulsive.

Moon in Taurus

People with a moon in Taurus are down-to-earth and practical. They’re the type to appreciate the simple things in life, and they’re not picky about their pleasures. If they want something, they’re not afraid to work hard for it – and once they have it, they’re not likely to let it go.

Relationships with a moon in Taurus can be quite comfortable and stable. They’re loyal and affectionate, as well as trustworthy and dependable. However, they’re also known to hold on to grudges for a long time.

Common feelings: patient, persistent, affectionate.

Common behaviors: strong-willed, responsible, loving.

Moon in Gemini

People with a Gemini moon are extremely versatile and curious. They love new experiences. Their minds are always buzzing with activity, and they’re the type of people to say “yes” to anything. They’re skilled with words, so they can easily talk themselves out of sticky situations.

Those with a moon in Gemini are also known for being restless and fidgety. They jump from one thing to another with little regard for long-term commitments. But once they find something that intrigues them, they put all of their energy into it. When their interest wanes, they might move on before anyone notices.

Common feelings: adaptable, versatile, restless.

Common behaviors: communicative, inquisitive, fickle.

Moon in Cancer

People with a Cancer moon are nurturing and sensitive to the needs of others. They have a strong sense of devotion and loyalty – especially when it comes to family and friends. Once they’re committed to someone or something, there’s no breaking through that wall.

Those with Cancer moons also have a very keen intuition about people and situations that can help or harm them. In fact, sometimes they fight an internal battle between trusting their gut instincts and following their hearts.

Common feelings: loving, caring, intuitive.

Common behaviors: protective, territorial, moody.

Moon in Leo

People with a Leo moon are often the center of attention – especially when it comes to romantic relationships! They’re passionate and self-assured individuals who know what they want in life. They don’t do anything by half measures; if they commit to something or someone, that person or goal becomes their number one priority.

This means that sometimes people with Leo moons can be controlling when it comes to relationships. However, once you win them over (and earn their trust) they’ll give everything for you in return.

Common feelings: generous, warm-hearted, loving.

Common behaviors: confident, dramatic, affectionate.

Moon in Virgo

People with a Virgo moon are practical and efficient when it comes to matters of the heart. They’re perfectionists who expect themselves to be flawless in every aspect of their lives – including relationships. However, this also means that they have extremely high standards when it comes to evaluating potential mates.

Those with a moon in Virgo are often very hard on themselves, they may often neglect emotional needs and therefore have trouble being patient with romantic partners who aren’t perfect too. But once you’ve won them over, they’ll be committed forever! Just don’t expect them to give up their independence for anyone else… ever.

Common feelings: critical, uptight, self-reliant.

Common behaviors: observant, analytical, responsible.

Moon in Libra

Libra moons are social butterflies who thrive on companionship and love. They enjoy being the center of attention – but only if they’re surrounded by people that they care about! When they have a strong support system at home, it’s much easier for them to shine elsewhere as well.

Those with a Libra moon tend to be passive when it comes to relationships. They let their partners lead the way – even if that means going off the deep end every now and then! But once they find someone worth committing themselves to, they’ll do anything to keep them around.

Common feelings: giving, considerate, charming.

Common behaviors: romantic, diplomatic, easy-going.

Moon in Scorpio

People with a moon in Scorpio are intense individuals who typically don’t hold back their thoughts or feelings. They’re passionate and proud, but they don’t show it by bragging about themselves (unless they feel like you’ve earned it). They let their actions speak for them instead!

When it comes to relationships, people with a Scorpio moon can be highly possessive of the people that they care about most. This gives them an aura of mystery that some find attractive while others run away screaming…

Common feelings: intense, proud, secretive.

Common behaviors: magnetic personality, protective personality, mysterious personality.

Moon in Sagittarius

People with a moon in Sagittarius are optimistic and carefree when it comes to relationships. They’re always looking for the next adventure, so they don’t often invest their emotions too deeply in one person or situation. This can be refreshing for partners who want more freedom in their relationship, but it can also be frustrating for those who want more commitment.

Sagittarius moon individuals love to learn – about the world and about themselves. So even if a relationship doesn’t work out, they’ll usually walk away with some new knowledge that they can use in their next venture.

Common feelings: happy-go-lucky, carefree, optimistic

Common behaviors: curious, open-minded, energetic.

Moon in Capricorn

People with a moon in Capricorn are serious individuals who tend to have very focused goals that they’re always working towards. This means that their attention is usually divided between matters of the heart and the rest of life’s responsibilities – but when they do give their love some attention it can be all-consuming!

Capricorn moon people are typically drawn to relationships where there is an obvious balance or power dynamic. They want someone who will help them look “good” on paper (so to speak) without overshadowing them entirely. As long as you keep them interested, you’ll never find yourself wanting affection or attention… even if things start out on unequal footing.

Common feelings: responsible, disciplined, ambitious.

Common behaviors: goal-oriented, serious, practical.

Moon in Aquarius

Aquarius moons are the rebels of the zodiac. They don’t care about societal norms or expectations – they just do what feels right to them! This can be refreshing (or maddening) for romantic partners, who never quite know what to expect from them.

Aquarius moon people often have unconventional relationships. They might enjoy open relationships where both partners are free to date other people, or they might be attracted to people who are much different than them. Whatever the case may be, it’s always an adventure with someone with a moon in Aquarius!

Common feelings: progressive, rebellious, unpredictable.

Common behaviors: unique personality, unusual behavior patterns, different interests.

Moon in Pisces

Pisces moons are highly sensitive and emotional when it comes to relationships. They’re willing to go the extra mile for the people that they care about most – even if it’s not always good for them! In many ways, they embody the spirit of sacrifice in order to help others and make sure their partner is happy and comfortable… which can be wonderful when they finally let you in! But until a Pisces moon learns how to open up on their own terms, things can get frustrating pretty quickly.

Common feelings: compassionate, understanding, selfless

Common behaviors: generous personality, soft-heartedness, sacrificial.

Moon in Virgo

Virgo moons are highly practical when it comes to relationships. They don’t give their hearts easily – they tend to be more focused on finding someone who is as reliable and sensible as they are. In some ways this can make them seem cold-hearted or even distrusting of themselves and others… but those who do break through their barriers find themselves with one of the most loyal and loving partners around.

Common feelings: serious, discerning, loyal

Common behaviors: judgmental, critical of others, workaholic.


So there you have it! The 12 moon signs and what they mean in astrology. Keep in mind that these are just generalizations – everyone is unique, so don’t expect all people with a moon in Capricorn to be serious and goal-oriented, for example. But if you’re curious about your own moon sign or the moon sign of someone you’re interested in, these descriptions should give you a good starting point. Happy exploring!

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