Three of Pentacles Card Meaning: The Complete Report

Three Of Pentacles

Three of Pentacles Card Meaning: The Complete Report

You sit down at your tarot reading session. Starting at the screen or your tarot reader. Your card is about to be picked. The usual jitters rush through your body. You’re excited, anxious, and eager for the astrological knowledge behind your tarot card. The time comes to read tarot. Flip. It’s the three of pentacles.

You stare at it blankly. Should you feel fascinated? Relieved? Bewildered? You’re probably wondering what this means for you and your relationships, career, health, and spirituality. 

So today, we’re going to cover the three of pentacles tarot meaning for both the upright and reversed position to give you the clarity you need in your life.

The Three of Pentacles Tarot Card in Upright Position

General Meaning and Interpretation (Upright)

First of all, you can stop sweating. The Three of Pentacles tarot card meanings are generally a positive pick from a Tarot spread. It represents learning, studying, and apprenticeship—activities driven by hard work, dedication, determination, and commitment.

So if you’re working on something meaningful to you, chances are you’re a motivated individual and young apprentice giving it your 100% and continuously growing. And that’s good because the three pentacles signify building on success or foundations too. All in all, you’re team-oriented, hard-working, and your efforts to overcome great challenges should be paying off.

​Health (Upright)

Now, if you’re seeking some clarity health-wise but still feeling a bit off, this card isn’t shining any negative light. Instead, it’s a sign that you’re doing everything right, even with your health.

For example, if you’re used to eating a healthy diet, you’re probably in great shape. And if you’re a bit of a fitness nut, then that’s what will keep you in tip-top shape. In all truth, this card means you can continue as is and if any changes need to be made your doctor will lead the way.

This is a great sign for those suffering from low energy levels because the three of pentacles mean you’re on the right path to recovery. Just remember, it’s all about balance. And if you’re already in the swing of things health-wise, then this card confirms that you’re in the right lane.

So stop worrying about your health, take care of it by doing what you’re doing and the Three of Pentacles tarot will continue to shine brightly on your path to wellness.

Love & Relationships (Upright) 

You, as a Three of Pentacles individual, could have a thing for money and might put it before love. However, if you’re committed to an epic relationship, rest assured that the Three of Pentacles embodies a rewarding journey full of fun and intellectual pleasure.

Your knowledge of relationships is unparalleled which means your intuition’s dial is turned to ten. If you’re in the dating pool, you’re very grounded and successful at building solid relationships with those who might not have considered themselves your type before. 

As a couple, your connection is strong and sustainable because there’s a sense of unity between you two which stems from your mutual need for material stability.

Money & Career (Upright)

The Three of Pentacles represents a creative risk-taker willing to put in the grind required for making progress. You know how to make your ideas happen and are willing to work hard to see your dreams manifest into reality.

So don’t be surprised if there are high-fives all around because you’re hitting your strides professionally. You could be using strong branding/marketing techniques to boost your profile and turn heads. If you’re not in the corporate world, you might be starting your own business and it’s doing pretty well. If someone has been thinking about making a career switch/move, the Three of Pentacles is here to tell them they’re on the right track.

Spirituality (Upright)

The Three of Pentacles suggests that you’re spiritual and into the idea of committing to a spiritual journey. There’s no religious agenda here. If you’re the spiritual type then your spiritual growth is at the forefront of everything you do and should continue to be.

And, if you’re looking to grow in your faith (or lack thereof), know that the Three of Pentacles is here to tell you that you’re on the right path. Just be true to your beliefs and others will see that. Or, if you don’t have any religious affiliation, then you could be leading a life of spirituality based on your own rules.

The Three of Pentacles ​Meaning Reversed Guide

General meaning and interpretation (Reversed)

Generally, the reversed Three of Pentacles tarot is a counterpart of its upright version which was all about good omen. This one denotes stagnation. Your growth has come to a grinding halt because you’re lacking motivation in a state of despondency. 

Right now, you just don’t have the concentration or commitment needed to hit your goals, that is if you even set any up for yourself. The Minor Arcana card could indicate delays from team conflicts or low morale.

But, if this describes your situation, don’t worry too much because there is still hope for you. You just have to be willing to put in the hard work required in growing and developing your talents/skills so you can be propelled forward.

​Health (Reversed)

The Three of Pentacles meaning reversed could indicate that you’re not well or you have been neglecting your health. If the issue is ongoing, then it may be time to visit a doctor for advice and see what’s best for you. And, if the problem has passed but you still feel drained and exhausted, then give yourself a break because you’ve been burning the candle at both ends.

This card could also represent mental health and if it does, then you need to make sure that you have someone to talk to because self-medicating is not a solution. And, if this issue has passed but left your emotions in tatters, then give yourself time to recover from whatever traumatic event has occurred.

Love & Relationships (Reversed)

The reverse position of Three of Pentacles shows that your relationship is lacking commitment. You’re just using the other person for what you want at this particular moment. You need to be honest about what your intentions are or your flame on love will burn out very quickly if it hasn’t already. 

You could very well be on the flip side of this too, where it’s hard to sustain a connection where they’re not as committed as you are.

The best way forward would be honesty. If your lover is the one committed elsewhere, take a long hard look at yourself because you could be projecting your needs and desires onto the person you’re with. Work on finding what makes you happy and focus on you rather than someone else who isn’t fulfilling their part of the bargain.

Money & Career (Reversed)

When it comes to your professional career meaning, your reversed Three of Pentacles tarot may suggest that you’re being taken advantage of by superiors/employers for your hard work and talent by not giving anything in return.

Or, if it’s a business partner who is making all the decisions without any input from you, let them know how you feel about this situation. If you don’t, any talent and skill you have will go to waste and this may become your destiny circling around and around for the long run. So really reflect on whether you’re working in the right environment. If not, it could be time to move on and find a situation that does appreciate you for what you bring to the table.

On the flip side, if you’re taking advantage of someone else’s talents/skills then it is time to reflect on why that is because those skills/talents are there to be used, not abused.

The reversed Three of Pentacles tarot card description can also indicate a lack of focus and drive when it comes to working. If this is your situation, then take some time out from your work because you need to recharge your batteries before going back into battle again. This card could also mean that you’re not being paid what you’re worth, so it could be time to look for better prospects.

Spirituality (Reversed)

The Three of Pentacles reversed can be an indication that you’re not living your life to the fullest. Your focus may be too much on material things and not enough on spiritual growth, which will ultimately slow down your spiritual progress.

If this is your situation then look at what it is that’s causing you to hold back because any obstacle can be overcome in time. Don’t let it stop you from being the best that you can be because, in the end, your spiritual growth will help you in every facet of your life.

The Three of Pentacles reversed can also represent “false success”. This may have come after years of effort but, when looked at closely, is not real or sustainable. If your success is based on “smoke and mirrors”, then you need to find a more sustainable solution because this kind of success never lasts, so keep looking for internal fulfillment.


When looking at the Three of Pentacles tarot meaning it is important to remember that, regardless of the situation you are in, it’s how you respond to your current circumstances that will make all the difference. If you’re worried or anxious about some aspect of your life; focus on what is within your power to change and if something can’t be changed, then accept that fact for what it is and don’t dwell on the past.

This tarot reminds us that no one gets ahead in life without hard work so be prepared to put in whatever effort the situation requires, the success you deserve will follow.

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