The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

High Priestess tarot

The High Priestess Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Career, & Spirituality

The High Priestess tarot card is the second trump card in the deck, and it usually signifies intuition, secrets, and hidden knowledge.

When this card shows up in a tarot reading, it can indicate that the querent is about to receive some sort of revelation or that they are already in possession of valuable information.

Drew The High Priestess tarot card?

At, we’re going to talk about the upright and reversed tarot meaning of The High Priestess in the contexts of love and relationships, your money and career, and spirituality.

The High Priestess Tarot: Key facts


Intuitive, unconscious, divine feminine


Repressed feelings, withdrawal, silence

Yes or No








Astrological sign


The High Priestess tarot card description

High Priestess tarot

The High Priestess is traditionally depicted as a beautiful, serene woman dressed in flowing robes. She has a crescent moon at her feet, and she sits between two pillars – one black, one white.

She holds a book in her lap, which is often open but sometimes shown as closed. This book represents all of the knowledge that is hidden from us, and it is up to The High Priestess to decide whether or not to reveal this information.

The High Priestess is often seen as a guardian of this threshold between the two worlds. The pillar behind her is black, representing the material world, and the pillar in front of her is white, representing the spiritual world.

The High Priestess tarot card general meaning (Upright)

When The High Priestess shows up in an upright position, she is often a sign that the querent is in a time of transition. They may be moving from one phase of their life to another, and they are being asked to trust their intuition during this time.

Whereas normally one may rely on their intellect and conscious mind to go about their lives, the High Priestess embodies the divine feminine archetype – a female that understands life’s biggest mysteries like religion, self, and nature through natural instinct and intuition.

The High Priestess tarot meaning for love & relationships (Upright)

In a tarot reading about love and relationships, The High Priestess can be a sign that the querent is in a period of waiting or introspection. This is not necessarily a bad thing, as it may be a time for them to get in touch with their own needs and desires.

If you’re single, The High Priestess may be indicating that it’s time to get in touch with your intuition about who you should be dating or spending time with. But if you’re in a relationship, the tarot card may suggest taking some time for yourself away from your partner to reflect on the relationship.

Either way, you want to be open and communicative about how you feel and where you see your relationship going.

The High Priestess tarot card meaning for your money & career (Upright)

When reading The High Priestess in a work context, you might soon be informed of a work opportunity or be made aware of information that will help you. For those involved in the arts, this can indicate creativity and inspiration. And if the High Priestess appears in a student’s life, you may be blessed with a good teacher to help you in your studies. 

Discussions about your finances with others should be done with caution. Keep it to a minimum and need-to-know basis.

If you’re about to make big moves about your future career, relying on your gut instincts can help you make the tough decisions you need to make. This tarot card can also foretell the appearance of a mentor or guide that can help you progress further in your work.

The High Priestess tarot card meaning in spirituality (Upright)

Divine illumination, enlightenment from the inside, and wisdom flowing from the divine are symbols of the High Priestess. Tarot card readings with her occur when the chasm between the worlds is thin, allowing you to see into the depths of your own soul. Now is the time to quiet your mind and listen to your gut.

If you’ve been feeling lost or confused, this is a sign that it’s time to start meditating or journaling to connect with your inner wisdom.

This tarot card can also indicate that you are about to embark on a spiritual journey or have a spiritual experience that will change your life. Be open to whatever comes your way, and trust that you are being guided by a higher power.

The High Priestess Tarot general meaning (Reversed)

If you see The High Priestess reversed in a tarot reading, your intuition is trying to guide you and your instincts are right – except for the fact that this Major Arcana card indicates that you are not hearing it.

You might be more concerned with the opinions of others or winning their approval than you are with your own inner wisdom. It can also indicate you are putting others’ needs ahead of your own. While being selfless is an admirable trait, it is also important to connect with your inner self and listen to it. Have faith in yourself. You are the expert in your own life.  

The High Priestess reversed tarot meaning for love & relationships

If you see The High Priestess reversed in a reading about love, it can be a sign that you are being unrealistic about your relationship or potential partner.

You might be seeing them through rose-tinted glasses and ignoring any red flags that come up. It’s important to be honest with yourself about what you want and need in a relationship, and to make sure your partner can provide that for you.

The High Priestess reversed tarot meaning for your money & career

If you see The High Priestess reversed in a reading about your work or finances, it can suggest that you are not using your intuition to guide you.

A reversed High Priestess can mean that you haven’t been kept in the loop at work. As a result, you may feel isolated and distant. You need to be careful who you trust when you see the High Priestess reversed. Before taking out a loan or signing a contract, make sure all the terms are understood, since someone may be dishonest with you. Trust your instincts if something doesn’t feel right.

The High Priestess reversed tarot meaning in spirituality

If you see The High Priestess reversed in a reading about your spirituality, it can mean that you are disconnected from your intuition. As a result, you may feel lost or confused.

It is still possible to listen what your spirit is saying to you; you just need to relax and tune in. Be careful not to become too reliant on mediums or psychics.  

The High Priestess tarot card in a YES or NO question

Whenever the High Priestess tarot card is drawn in a ‘yes or no’ reading, it will come up with one answer – “Yes if it is for the greater good.” How the desire is motivated is extremely important.

There’s nothing stopping you from doing something beneficial to others and yourself, and this draw indicates that you can do it.

The High Priestess tarot card combinations

    • The High Priestess + The Magician: There is a serious life upheaval awaiting you if you pull this duo. However, it is not a bad thing. While The Magician tends to the external changes, The High Priestess works on the inside. You will end up with a life that is far better than your present one if you make the changes that are ahead. 
    • The High Priestess + The Hermit: In the event that you have drawn this combination, inner work should be your number one priority. Avoid seeking answers from others and reflect within. The energy of these tarot cards combined mean you have a strong spiritual connection to tap into. 
    • The High Priestess + The Eight of Wands: While the High Priestess represents trusting your intuition, The Right of Wands reminds us to have an action plan and take things slow when it’s time to act. Make sure you have the answers to all your questions and dooubts before moving forward. Write down your next steps if you need to. 

Parting words

The High Priestess is a powerful tarot card that can offer guidance in all areas of life. In order to connect with your intuition, it is important to quiet your mind and listen to your inner voice.

The High Priestess reversed can indicate that you are disconnected from your intuition, but it is still possible to reconnect by relaxing and tuning into your inner voice. Be careful not to become too reliant on outside sources for guidance.

Thanks for reading!

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