Mercury Retrograde: What You Need to Know


Mercury Retrograde: Everything You Need to Know

Everyone’s all, ‘OMG Mercury is in retrograde!’

And you might be sitting there like: what’s all this fuss about?

And that’s fair. You’ve heard people talking about it, you see the memes on Tumblr and Twitter every time Mercury goes retrograde, but how much do you really know about this so-called phenomenon in astrology ?

We’re here to spill all the details on Mercury retrograde, its effects, and how you can navigate it.


What is Mercury Retrograde?

To understand Mercury retrograde, you have to know how everything ties together. Mercury is one of the planets in our solar system, orbiting the Sun every 88-ish days.

And every now and then, Mercury has an apparent backward movement in its orbit around the Sun. That’s what you call Mercury retrograde, or simply “retrograde.” Many “abnormalities” in our daily lives can occur during this time—some more prominent in some signs than others.

What is Mercury Retroshade?

Retrograde, Retroshade… what’s the difference?

For two weeks before a Mercury retrograde officially begins, ancient astrologers say that the planet slows down, and for two weeks following Mercury direct, it needs to regain its full speed. These time frames are referred to as the pre-and-post shadow period or the Mercury retroshade.

How often does Mercury Retrograde happen?

It seems like every time you check Facebook, Mercury appears to be moving backward, so it can feel like it’s happening every three weeks.

But, that’s also because Mercury’s orbit is quicker, so the retrograde is more frequent than other planets. By the time some people finish crazing about their mishaps, another one might be looming—especially if you consider Retroshades, which have effect, too.

But, don’t let those little stints fool you. It’s actually pretty rare for Mercury to go retrograde more than once in a month. On a factual note, Mercury retrograde periods happen three or four times a year, for three weeks at a time.

When will Mercury be in retrograde in 2022?

According to Astrology Zone, in 2022, 

    • Mercury’s first retrograde begins on Jan 14 and ends on Feb 3.
    • The second time Mercury turns retrograde will last from May 10 to June 2
    • And the third period will begin on Sept. 9 and last through Oct. 2.

How does Mercury retrograde affect me?

Mercury retrogrades can be a confusing time. People generally on point with their communication skills tend to speak and write more loosely than usual or run into hiccups with technology like computers or cell phones.

If the retrograde of Mercury appears in your astrological house, you will be more affected than usual in the next few weeks by this planetary motion. So, say the Mercury retrograde begins on January 30 and lasts until February 20, 2021—those are Aquarius days, so an Aquarius sign will experience it more strongly than other air signs.

Aside from these specific cases, astrology signs are more strongly influenced by the tiny planet’s wanderings. Those signs are hell-bent on productivity and progression—Capricorn, Aries, and Virgo (or rather, “Virgos”).

The least disturbed zodiac signs by a Mercury retrograde are Cancer and Pisces. Cancer is regarded as a sign of meditation by nature. Pisces, on the other hand, is known for going with the flow. As a result, these water signs are better equipped to ride out any bumps in the road rather than forcing their way through them.

How Mercury retrograde could affect each sign


As a Capricorn, you might be reconsidering your most important professional goals and action plan during this retrograde period. It may be time to reassess an ambition that isn’t any more beneficial to you or consider how you can best develop leadership qualities. You’re all for taking a measured, cautious, and deliberate approach, so delays aren’t going to upset you much.


For Aries, the Mercury retrograde period will emphasize your current and past relationships with people—be it personal, business, or partnership. It’s how you present yourself and the balance you’re maintaining for deeper bonding. 

In any kind of one-to-one relationship, this retrograde will necessitate patience, calmness, and balance. Accepting or taking any possible opportunity in a rush is unwise. Re-evaluate the offer letter or business proposal you receive if you need to cancel or modify it.


As a Taurus, these 3-4 weeks of Mercury retrograde periods will focus more on your health and the challenges you regularly encounter in all aspects of life. The demand will create equilibrium in one’s diet and change one’s perspective about the world. Relationships may put your self-esteem to the test. When dealing with family and loved ones, be mindful, sympathetic, and accommodating.


Your messenger planet, your ruler, will be moving backward through your income plan, which means you’ll be compelled to enter the race, analyze, reorganize, and possibly modify your approach to money accumulation, dear Virgo. Perhaps you’re ready to reconsider and update your CV to land a higher-paying, more satisfying job or rework your long-term savings or debt plan.


This transit will call for a Gemini to concentrate on self-love and care. In this retrograde, you may attract more attention than usual, but you could lose self-respect if you don’t focus on yourself and stay true to your values. The new relationships and perceptions coming from the extra attention may be affected if you don’t put yourself first.


It’s more likely that long-forgotten pals, coworkers, and acquaintances you met on a group date in 2016 reappear for a Sagittarius. They may want to work together or discuss long-term aspirations that might be achieved through collaboration.

Although you’re usually all about diving into an exciting opportunity with a lot of enthusiasm and joy, Mercury retrograde will always create some chaos and perplexity. Make sure you’re not committing yourself to anything that appears to be better than it really is. Don’t sign any contracts or form any business connections in this transit, as tempting as it may be.


For Scorpios, people will seem more agitated than usual, so try not to take it personally. If you’re a selfless person, this transit will be a good time to reevaluate your emotional support system and see if there’s anyone who could benefit from your care.

The Retrograde planet appears to also bring up long-term concerns that have been buried deep in your subconscious. Now’s a good time to face them head-on. You need to keep a close watch on your health and work out to control your behavior.


Because you’ve always got an eye on the bigger picture, a Libra may have difficulty concentrating on the details during Mercury retrogrades. Remember that looking at the full picture is what’s important. Almost anything that seems so important right now is likely to bring you the greatest satisfaction if you plan it out well.


For a Cancer, now is a great time to focus on your goals. You may experience more people-related issues now or find yourself obsessing over things that happened in the past. You may be tempted to travel or relocate, which might bring up memories of someone you cared about. That’s because you’re incredibly emotional during this period.

Be prepared for many misunderstandings and miscommunications that could lead to conflicts with others if you’re not careful. This is an ideal time for solitude and introspection as well as the company of loved ones.


This astrology sign can be very intense; expect even less structure and organization with Mercury retrograde than usual. Don’t set yourself up for failure. You can and should take risks and chances, just not right now.


A Pisces’s emotional state will be unpredictable during this period—some individuals may feel extra irritable and sensitive while others might find themselves feeling unusually calm and centered.

It might be easier to connect with others right now if you take the time to contemplate their intentions before jumping to conclusions or taking action. This could also be a fantastic time to stop your bad habits and practice introspection regarding your values, relationships, and future. If you can stand the wait, you’ll likely benefit at least twofold from your effort now.


For a Leo, this transit may help you tighten your social circle and focus on self-worth. Old friends, neighbors, and coworkers may appear out of the blue, eager to catch up. Just keep in mind that when life gets tough as it inevitably will during a retrograde, your time and effort are precious, so invest them wisely.

How does Mercury retrograde affect relationships?

Communication & Feelings

Mercury is all about how well two people can understand each other. If they don’t speak the same language, it’s like being with a Martian. It’s not impossible to communicate when romance is involved, but it gets complicated during this time.

Just remember that the beginning of a relationship is all about connections. When you’re making a connection with someone, it feels good to be understood, right?

Since planet Mercury gives us all some emotional work, retrograde can make your feelings get in the way of clear communication. That means there’s a possibility of saying things you don’t mean, or talking about something that you don’t understand.

Of course, these problems can be minimized by giving yourself extra space, being more self-conscious about your words, and being more mindful of what someone else like your partner is really trying to convey in return.


Mercury is a super busy planet in our solar system, so even the smallest things can appear huge when it’s retrograde. With Mercury in retrograde, checking your work email is like opening pandora’s box—stuff just gets out of control. When Mercury is in direct motion, emails are more mundane. But, when it goes back, you’re less likely to want to reply right away because you don’t want to seem too eager, but when you finally do get around to it, your email just sounds curt.

Technical difficulties

Also, Mercury retrograde is known for creating electronic problems. As most of our communications are digital now, we can maintain certain relationships and interactions online.

When the planet slows down in its orbit, electronic devices are more likely to fritz out. If you’re working on a really important project or getting to know someone, try not letting Mercury’s shenanigans derail your momentum. You’ll be less frustrated if you know outside forces are working against you.

What should you not do during Mercury retrograde?

Since Mercury rules over communication, avoid initiating major communications when it’s in retrograde motion. Even if you think you’ve figured out your message clearly in your head, the person on the receiving end may not understand what you’re trying to say. Just imagine how much confusion can be caused by having two people talking at once! It’s like an orchestra that’s out of tune.

During Mercury retrograde, it’s best to stick to the basics, avoid signing contracts or legal documents, and put off major decisions. It’s also not recommended that you go on first dates; since your communication is not at its best, you’re more prone to picking the wrong person or making a bad first impression.

You can still do minor things in your areas of life, like plan a party for after the retrograde is over. But, always wait at least two days after Mercury moves ahead to normal direct speed before you start executing projects or buying expensive things.

How to improve communication during a Mercury retrograde

Even though Mercury is retrograde, communication can be improved by being more mindful of your words and reactions.

For example, if you’re going through email, make sure you read all the way through each message before replying or forwarding it. Don’t get caught up in whatever drama might be unfolding in the email chain.

If you say something that comes across as harsh or confusing, apologize for it, even if your message wasn’t intentional. If someone is offended, try not to take it personally—realize that they’re simply missing some information, and you can help by clarifying yourself.

Stick to short phone calls and texts, and avoid making any significant decisions during Mercury retrograde—wait until it’s over.

Don’t worry too much about what happens during the retrograde phase of Mercury: like everything else in astrology, it is temporary.

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