How to Ask Effective Tarot Questions


How to Ask Effective Tarot Questions

Has something been on your mind lately and you could use some clarity only the wisdom of tarot can provide? Whether you’ve just bought your first tarot deck and are ready to consult the cards or you’ve arrived at our daily oracle tarot reading and don’t know where to start, this guide to tarot questions will help you get the most out of your reading. After all, part of seeking the understanding you desire is getting the questions right! 


How Do Tarot Card Readings Work?

The idea behind tarot card readings is that they are a manifestation of a greater consciousness. Some believe that this consciousness comes from your higher self, or the all-intelligent, wise, eternal being that you truly are. By seeking tarot answers, you are opening yourself up to the guidance of this version of yourself in order to reveal the actions available to you at any point in time. 

Either with the help of a professional tarot diviner or your own experience with the cards, you sit down for a reading and focus on specific questions. Then, you look at cards when they are face down and select a few based on whatever cards are “calling to you.” This can mean a card looks particularly shiny, or you simply have a feeling that you should choose one card over another. Don’t worry too much about this part of the process, as the message you are meant to receive will always find its way to you. 

There are several different kinds of tarot decks. A traditional tarot card deck contains 78 cards, each with a specific ancient meaning and symbolism. Then there are oracle decks or similar, which don’t have any set restrictions, but also display certain figures or symbols with their own meanings. 

The Minor Arcana is a deck of cards that has suits, much like playing cards. Each suit has numbered cards and face cards, each with specific meanings based on the combinations of numbers or face cards and suits. 

The Major Arcana are cards that are not organized into a deck by suits or any other elements. These cards often have titles that are associated with different meanings. 

What to do Before You Sit Down for a Tarot Reading

The process of receiving tarot card answers begins even before you sit down for your reading or open your first card. You’re seeking guidance from your higher self, in another dimension, and sometimes that means that messages can be unclear. Rather than rush into a reading with an overwhelming mix of emotions and concerns and then leaving with more questions than you have answers, it’s a good idea to take a moment to clear your head and focus on your intention for the reading. What is it you are trying to find out and why? Then you can take the time to think of effective tarot questions. So the next time you get ready for your daily oracle reading, take a moment and do these things first:

    • Clear your mind. (Pause whatever you have been doing and take three long, slow, deep breaths. Try to focus on the sensation of air passing through your nose and mouth or count the seconds of each inhale and exhale. This will help to bring you to a more focused state where you will be more open to receiving guidance.)
    • Figure out your goal. (Once your mind has settled a bit, take a moment to ask yourself what kind of tarot card answers you are looking for. Do you want general guidance on day to day life? Or insight on a specific challenge you’re facing? What is your gut telling you you need help understanding at this point in time?)
    • Formulate your questions. (Now that you are focused on what it is you need illuminated for you, it is time to put together effective tarot questions. By being specific and direct, you are more easily able to receive definitive and clear advice.)

What Makes an Effective Tarot Question

Keep these tips in mind to come up with good questions to bring to your reading. 

    • Go for open ended over “yes” or “no” questions. (Oftentimes the guidance you are seeking is a lot more complex than can be handled by a “yes” or “no” answer. Rather than box yourself in by asking such a narrow question, open it up to the wisdom of the tarot. This means coming up with questions that leave a little room for an answer that is beyond your own narrow thinking. Maybe the tarot wants to lead you away from the “yes” or “no” you want to know and into an alternate solution that you may not have thought of before.) Example: Rather than “Am I on the right path, yes or no?” ask “What can I do to ensure that I am headed towards my goals?”
    • Ask about yourself and only yourself. (While some tarot card answers you receive may involve other people in your life, try to focus only on yourself in the questions you bring to your reading. Tarot insight is meant to guide you through life, and you can only understand and make action on advice that applies to you. What happens to others is outside of your control, except for your relationship to them.) Example: Rather than “Will my loved one get over their addiction?” ask “What can I do to help my loved one through their addiction?” 
    • Focus on that which is in your control. (Of course it can be tempting to ask the cards about events that might happen to you, but that won’t get you anywhere. The reality is that the wisdom of the universe is so beyond the scope of our imagination that trying to understand the pattern of why things happen the way they do can lead to nothing but frustration. Instead, when you approach a tarot reading, try to keep in mind what is in the realm of possibility for you.) Example: Rather than “Will I get a serious illness?” ask “What habits should I be focusing on in order to improve my health now?”
    • Stay in the present. (Much of what rolls through our minds each day is the past and the future. You may be stuck in a situation that occurred months or years ago, or be anxious about what is to come. When reading tarot cards, it is important to stay in the here and now.) Example: Rather than “Will I get that job I applied for?” ask “What steps can I take now to further my career?”
    • Get specific. (When coming up with effective tarot card questions, the more specific the better. Again, since reality and wisdom are so complicated, it’s a good idea to zoom in on exactly what you’d like some clarity on. That way you have an easier time understanding the tarot’s guidance.) Rather than “Why am I struggling with my love life?” ask “How can I inject more fun into my romantic relationship with my partner?”

Examples of Effective Tarot Questions

General Tarot Questions

If you’re stuck trying to find the right words to ask general questions in your tarot reading, check out these ideas that you can build off of:

    • What truth do I need to face about myself right now?
    • How can I improve my relationship with myself?
    • How can I attract more happiness into my life?
    • What lesson do I need to learn at this point in time?
    • What is one habit I can change right now?
    • How can I give back to the world each day?
    • To which facet of my life do I need to direct my attention to?
    • Which emotional obstacle in my way do I need to heal from?
    • How can I become the best version of myself?
    • What can I do today to improve my quality of life?
    • Are the steps I am taking today going to help me achieve my goals?

Money Tarot Questions 

Here is some inspiration for effective money-related tarot card questions:

    • What resources are available to me to improve my financial situation?
    • How can I maintain my current level of financial comfort?
    • What is holding me back from reaching the wealth I seek?
    • What are the next steps in building my career?
    • How can I make a transition to a career that I enjoy?
    • What do I need to know in order to succeed at my job?
    • Why am I not currently achieving my full potential at work?
    • How can I improve my relationship with my boss?
    • Which areas of my business do I need to improve.
    • How can I change my mindset in order to accept greater wealth?

Tarot Questions About Love

Romantic woes on your mind? Check out these effective love questions to ask at your tarot reading:

    • How can I attract the person I like to me?
    • What about my relationship to myself is holding me back from accepting love?
    • What steps can I take to help overcome the problems in my relationship?
    • What conversation do I need to have with my loved one?
    • How can I approach this new relationship in a healthy way?
    • What bad habits am I bringing into this relationship?
    • How will I feel when I’ve found true love?
    • How can I work through my anger at my partner?
    • What ways can I show my loved ones I care?
    • How can I let go of this person who doesn’t feel good for me?

Health Tarot Questions

Concerned about your health and wellbeing? Focus on these effective tarot question examples:

    • What is one change I can make to improve my health?
    • What part of my body do I need to prioritize now.
    • How can I feel more energetic throughout the day?
    • What is the first step towards getting my mental health back on track?
    • What are some ways I can reduce my stress? 
    • Why am I not physically feeling my best?
    • Am I getting enough exercise and time outside?
    • With what attitude should I approach my health challenges?

What to Keep in Mind About Tarot Card Answers

What is important to remember about tarot card readings is that the cards represent a variety of symbols and meanings. If the meaning of your reading is not immediately clear, don’t worry. This guidance is meant to gently nudge you towards the path towards your best self. Sometimes your interpretation of the reading may not make sense right away. Try thinking of the reading in an outside-the-box way, consult a book on tarot symbolism, or reach out to a professional tarot card reader.

Remember that tarot guidance is valuable but cannot be substituted for a visit to a doctor when it comes to matters of health. 

Also, the tarot card answers you receive may not be the answers you were hoping for. If you ask effective tarot questions, you hopefully will receive the clarity that you need. Sometimes this means confronting a part of yourself you’ve been avoiding, or facing a hard truth. It takes great courage to listen to the tarot guidance, see if it matches what your gut is telling you, and take action. But you’ll be glad you did!

Daily Oracle Tarot Reading

So now that you know how to ask effective tarot questions, it’s time to give them a shot! Whenever you’re ready, clear your mind, focus on what you want to get out of your reading, and consult our daily oracle tarot. This free tarot reading is a great way to get a snapshot of what life holds for you today, and what steps you can take right now. Simply ask your question, pick three cards that stand out to you one by one, discover which card each of your choices represents and what its various meanings and interpretations are. Then try to think about how this meaning applies to you and your question! Hopefully with your new question creating abilities you will get the tarot card answers you are searching for. 

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