2022 Numerology Horoscope for Each Root Number
As 2022 rolls in, we may make elaborate plans to try and control the upcoming year, or read 2022 Numerology horoscope, or visit a tarot reader.
One of our favorite ways to see what’s to come is the numerology horoscope, since it offers a simple but definitive guide on the divine and mystical relationships between the day of births and the coinciding events happening to every astrological house and their personal life.
The year 2022 will be an important time for you to work on your goals and aspirations and also manifest what you want into reality. The energy that surrounds this year has been called “the power of now.” You can use this opportunity to transcend any limitations or blocks that may have been holding you back from success previously. Your intuition will lead the way if you align with your inner truth and trust yourself more than ever before.
But what’s the 2022 numerology horoscope (forecast of a person’s future) for the personal and professional life of each “root number?” We cover that in this article.
What is a root number?
An individual’s root number is the summation of the numerical digits of one’s day of birth. Root numbers can describe a person’s nature like behavior patterns and the positive and negative aspects of them.
A person’s root number plays a significant role in Numerology because it helps one predict what’s going to happen in the future. They’re an easy and definitive way to learn about a person unlike Astrology where the date of birth, time, and place are required to get any kind of information, and sometimes time and place of birth can be wrong or not exact for telling the horoscope of someone.
How to calculate your root number for 2022 Numerology Horoscope
Calculating your root number is ridiculously simple.
In the range from 1 to 9, the root number is calculated from your date of birth. So, if someone was born on 2nd January, the root number will be 2.
In cases where the date exceeds 9, like August 23rd, then both digits of the date are added up to a number ranging from 1 to 9. So bringing back August 23rd, the root number would be 2+3 = 5.
In the cases of the 19th, 28th, and 29th of each month, the summative number will exceed the range of 1 to 9. To bring the sum back into the range, simply take both the digits in the sum and add them with each other once more.
As as an example: for November 28th, 2+8 = 10 –> 1+0 = 1. So for anyone born on November 28, their root number is 1. This numerical value can tell you a lot about a person like their nature, behavior, weaknesses, to name a few. It also says how things can be directed towards optimism to get a positive change in life.
The chart: know your root number
Though the math is fairly straightforward, we saved you the trouble of doing the math and whipped up a chart with all the dates of birth and corresponding root numbers. This way you can take a quick glance and scroll to your section. Or, you can learn about different people by reading their root number predictions.

2022 numerology predictions for root number 1
The 1 is full of energy. Number changes occur rapidly and soon you will be putting yourself out there with more courage than ever before. Make your voice heard and your inner light will shine bright for all to see and admire. Use this opportunity to seize control of your life and start taking action on the things that matter most to you.
The 1 is also a leader and has the ability to take charge when needed. They are independent and do not like to be told what to do—which can sometimes lead to stubbornness. This year is a time for you to learn how to balance your independence with collaboration. Cooperation is the key to success in 2022, so start networking and connecting with people who can help you reach your goals.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 2
The 2 is a number of balance and harmony. At its essence, the 2 is all about relationships. In 2022 you will find yourself reaching out to others more than you have before either for help or for some much-needed social interaction. Use this time to form new connections and strengthen ones with people who have been in your life from the start. Regardless of where you are, you will always have your family to turn to for support.
The 2 is also a very intelligent person. They have a sharp eye for detail and tend to excel with anything they put their energy into. But in 2022, it’s time for you to step back and take some time for yourself. You’ve been working hard lately and now is the perfect time to catch up on all your hobbies, read some books, or spend some quality time with your family and friends.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 3
The 3 is about creativity, self-expression, and freedom of all kinds. This is the year to embrace your wild side if you haven’t already. Set some time aside every week or month to do something that gets your blood circulating in a fast and furious way. Indulge in an activity that allows you to express yourself freely be it singing your heart out at the karaoke bar, having a successful business setup, or painting a portrait of yourself that you can hang up on your bedroom wall. Having fun in your personal life is just as important as working hard so take time to stop and smell the roses more often than not.
The 3 are passionate people who are always looking for the next thing to explore. When they encounter obstacles, they provide solutions. With so much creativity, there are things that will need attention in 2022. The 3 might find themselves feeling frustrated or restless with all their ideas. The best way to release all these tensions is to take time for themselves like through meditation and do something that aligns with their passions.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 4
The number 4 is all about security, stability, family life, and looking inward rather than outward. That can mean good health, job opportunities, good friends, and no more financial troubles once you start to save and invest someplace. You will feel liberated this year due to an increase in independence which will allow you more freedom when choosing how to live your life.
However, you want to be wary of being too controlling during this time however as it may lead some people away from you rather than closer. As stated before, 2022 will be an interesting year where many long-term relationships will either improve or come to an end.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 5
The year 2022 will have a significant influence on the 5 which is all about change, travel, and new experiences. You may experience a number of changes this year including a move to a new location with a fresh set of surroundings to get used to. Travel becomes more frequent meaning you can broaden your horizons by visiting different cultures and people in faraway lands.
Your risk-taking abilities will also be enhanced so don’t hesitate to confront fear head-on when it rears its ugly head in your life. This is the year to experiment and try new hobbies and cross out your bucket list, so go out and explore the world! Be open to new experiences and perspectives, even if they make you a little bit uncomfortable at first. Everything that you do this year will help you grow as a holistic person, so embrace it all with both hands.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 6
Number 6 energy attunes you to peace, harmony, and gratitude. This is a year where you will learn to value what you have in life rather than obsessing over what’s missing or lacking. In time, this practice of being thankful for the things around you now instead of longing for what could be will form a new habit that sticks with you from 2022 onward. The world needs more people who are grateful so keep your “attitude of gratitude” alive as much as possible.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 7
The 7 energy is reflective and introspective, leading to self-discovery and greater wisdom along the way. Those who choose to work independently without needing external validation from others will benefit greatly from this year’s energies as it improves their chances of tremendous success. This is not to say that you should avoid paying attention to what others think of you; however, it would be wise to pay more attention to your inner voice than the voices of strangers along the way.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 8
When it comes to energy, number 8 offers ambition, growth, and taking control of your personal or professional life—even both. This is a time where a lost individual could obtain legitimate employment. The challenge here is for you to take responsibility instead of trying to blame others for things gone wrong in your personal life. As far as love life goes, don’t let attraction blind you from seeing the signs when something isn’t right in a relationship whether that’s with a flat mate or someone at work whom you’ve become attracted to.
2022 numerology predictions for root number 9
Number 9 energy is all about completion in many different forms. As a result, you might have the feeling that nothing new will happen this year at least when it comes to romantic life or business ventures. Don’t be so sure however as new opportunities are abundant with the help of Mercury in retrograde which will occur four times throughout the year. It’s up to you to accept these changes when they arrive and achieve success instead of being too stubborn to change your mind later on down the line.
The year 2022 has a lot in store for you so be sure to stay open-minded about what it brings into your life. If anything, this is the year for you to be especially grateful. Your imagination is your only limitation, so turn your dreams into reality!
If weren’t yet familiar with numerology then we hope that the 2022 numerology horoscope for each root number were able to inspire you. You can use this knowledge to make better decisions when faced with tough choices in life or when things don’t go your way one too many times. Being able to make sound judgment calls is an important aspect of life and starting them off right with good vibes doesn’t hurt either! Live long and prosper.