The Wheel is the Major Arcana number 10 and in traditional decks it is represented with an ancient crank wheel in the center of the card. To give an idea of the rotation, there are three animals, one at the top and two at the sides, those placed on the sides follow opposite movements, one goes down and the other goes up. The protagonist animals change according to the deck: they can be three monkeys, or a monkey, a hare and a sphinx. Being one of the most subjectively interpreted Arcana by the authors, in addition to traditional animals, many others could be found. In more modern decks, especially those of divine inspiration, it is possible that the protagonist of this card is the Welsh Goddess Arianrhod, in fact the wheel is a symbol of her. Since this Arcanum is also known by the name of “Wheel of Fortune” its interpretation could lead astray, especially beginners, who could associate it with a win of money or lucky occasions. In reality, the card of the Wheel, which concludes the first decimal series of the Major Arcana, indicates the cycles of life, with its ups and downs, represented by animals in motion.
To interpret it correctly, it is essential to see its position in a spread and the cards associated with it. If it is at the beginning of a spread it could indicate that a phase of life has closed and a new phase is beginning for the consultant, who therefore must invest his energies to best achieve his goal.
If it is at the end of the spread it can indicate a favorable conclusion of the cycle. If it is placed in the center of the paving, however, it could indicate blocks with respect to the situation, which needs to be seen in a new light for resolution. It is also important to keep in mind that if it is preceded by negative cards, it could indicate the end of a period of trials and challenges in a favorable manner.
If, on the other hand, it is followed by negative cards, it could indicate that the consultant has arrived incorrectly at the conclusion of his project, therefore he must start over to commit himself, with greater awareness. If, on the other hand, it is followed or preceded by positive cards, it indicates the end of various tests in a favorable way and that one can dedicate oneself to the next evolutionary phase with the right energy.
When the Wheel comes out it is important to ask oneself about one’s path. We need to be aware of where we have arrived, of the cycle that closes in order to start a new evolutionary phase with new challenges to face. It is useless to oppose the cyclical flow of one’s own evolution, because there is a risk of stalemates and blocks that nullify the work previously done.
Compared to money, the Wheel Card could indicate winnings, but it is also an invitation to take a new path, such as a career change, which will lead to a better turnover. Jobs related to the Wheel are those related to the ups and downs of the day, such as: bettor, trader, stock market work or commission work. Compared to the spreads on the job, the Arcana indicates that the completed work will have the right recognition and deserved success. It could also indicate job opportunities that will come shortly.
Spread out on Love, the card is very favorable: it could indicate a new meeting shortly and for couples it can indicate a new energy that will rekindle the partners.
The Wheel is linked to the intestine, circulation and blood, so if it comes out upside down on your health it could indicate intestinal problems or circulatory diseases. If it goes straight, however, it is a favorable card, which indicates that the querent will have health improvements.