The Hierophant is arcane number V. In traditional decks it is represented as an elderly man, with a long white beard, sitting on the throne with a scepter in his hand, symbolizing the fact that this Arcanum represents a Spiritual Guide, a High Priest, able to receive teachings from higher entities. and bring them back on the physical plane to the disciples.
It is enough to simply look at the representations of this Arcana to perceive its wisdom, which shines through in any type of Tarot deck, regardless of the theme of the deck itself. The Hierophant can represent an important male figure, whose authority everyone recognizes. It can indicate a man tied to spiritual traditions that he follows devoutly, a person who takes his duties very seriously on all levels and who always keeps his word since he has a strong sense of duty and honor.
The Hierophant advises you to connect more to the higher planes, to do inner research, to grow spiritually, just like the High Priestess. If you are a deeply spiritual person, it could warn you that it would also be appropriate to live in matter and concretely put into practice the fruit of your inner research or to be more flexible towards the ideas of others and others in general, which for a spiritual person is complicated, since others live in lower planes and miss the importance of evolutionary growth.
In the drafts on money the Hierophant generally indicates that one earns exactly the money necessary to be well, often indicates a person who loves to do charity. the Hierophant can represent the signing of a contract that will favor the consultant, he can also represent work successes or a person who occupies an important position, who loves to support his employees and collaborators who in turn recognize him the position of leadership and Guide right for the company.
Furthermore, the works associated with the Hierophant are those in which one can manifest one’s ability to be a just, spiritual and non-spiritual guide, such as the philosopher, the priest, the consultant, the insurer, the minister, the family doctor or the professor.
In terms of love it can indicate a serious man in the relationship, who aims to marry, have a traditional family, who may not be used to having sexual creativity, but still represents a reliable man, who believes in his relationship and expects the same seriousness from the partner.
Hierophant is associated with disorders related to lack of body flexibility, so it could indicate problems with tendons and muscle ligaments.