The Ten of Wands represents the difficulty of managing all the responsibilities and commitments of everyday life. At the end of a cycle, you have achieved a goal, managed to land the job of your dreams … but now you have to manage the consequences of this accomplishment. Responsibilities weigh on you. The joy and contentment of the beginnings of the project have become labor and difficulty. When this Map appears, it is important to take a break, make time for yourself, and find help to share this burden.
The Ten of Wands symbolizes your natural tendency to always do better or always do more. If the intention is good, sometimes the result is very difficult for you to manage. You currently have too much to deal with, too much to think about. The Ten of Wands invites you to take stock of your activities, your relationship with others or at work. What activities are urgent or priority in relation to your life goals? Manage your resources well – your time, your Energy, your skills – and assess which tasks can be delegated or taken out of your schedule. This found resource should help you take care of yourself.
The Ten of Wands can also represent outside forces that constrain and overwhelm you. Stress is too much in your life and you feel like it’s all on your shoulders. You hang in there, but you risk exhaustion or burnout. You must learn to say “No”, to refuse to take responsibility for others. Slow down as much as possible and save time and energy for yourself.
When it comes to money and finance, the Ten of Wands says you are paying for the mismanagement of the past today. Your financial situation is difficult because you have accumulated debts, made bad investments or thoughtless purchases. This situation comes to a head and causes you a lot of worry and stress.
It is high time to react, take a step back and assess your room for maneuver. It may be necessary to make an appointment with a professional – bank advisor, notary, etc. – to obtain sound advice and a crisis exit plan.
The Ten of Wands arose because you feel overwhelmed by your commitments and responsibilities. You are torn by your priorities, you feel exhausted, you don’t really know what to expect from the other person anymore … You feel lost.
If you are in a relationship, you sometimes feel that your relationship is crushing you. Your relationship requires a lot of time and energy from you, communication is sometimes difficult with your partner. You are probably taking on too much on your own … while the responsibilities of a life together have to be shared. Express your difficulties, rebalance the scales. Love is also the sharing of responsibilities.
It is possible that you are cornered outside of the relationship – by work, by children … – and that you no longer have enough time or energy to devote to your relationship. Your romantic relationship becomes a burden, just one more thing to manage on the already long list of your priorities. It’s time to schedule time to share some good and Energizing moments together.
If you are looking for Love, you are not necessarily on the right timing. Finding a partner and building a harmonious relationship takes time and investment. However, you are busy with other projects and priorities right now. If you feel that meeting people is a priority for you now, you need to free yourself up time and energy to put your project into action. You should feel free to seek out a partner and be able to give them the attention they deserve.
Stress is your worst enemy. Make sure you have some time to relax and chill. Dedicate some time to one or more activities able to help you release all the tension and the pressure of your daily life.