Daily Tarot - Ten Of Cups

Reveal Your Tarot Card Destiny That You Have Picked

Ten Of Cups

Daily Tarot - Ten Of Cups

The Ten of Cups asks you to take a break and feel Gratitude for all that has been offered to you. You share these feelings of happiness and total accomplishment with your loved ones, that is, those with whom you have shared your story and who have accompanied your journey.

The Ten of Cups symbolizes the happy, harmonious family life and the security that true relationships, friendship and support bring to you. In his Energy, no tension, jealousy or manipulation. Everyone is in their place and you are aligned with your values and your Authentic Being. In this sense, the Ten of Cups indicates you know exactly what your ideal life should look like and you are working to manifest it in your daily life. The family values instilled in you have a strong influence on this project – either because they are an integral part of you or because you have rejected them to become yourself.

The Ten of Cups is an encouragement to continue your journey in the Energy of Cups, that is, that of feelings, emotions and Intuition. Aim for projects and activities that bring you closer to your ideal. The Ten of Cups invites you to put your Energy in the active construction of your security, your harmony and your well-being. Sometimes the Ten of Cups can herald a happy occasion to reunite with family and strengthen ties. It could be a big family reunion, a party or a wedding.


In the financial realm, the Ten of Cups emphasizes personal life and time spent with loved ones rather than “hard cash”. The real wealth would therefore be there: in the authentic relationships built over time. Security is not just financial. It also plays out in the network of people that you have woven around you and who are there for you. There is certainly someone among them who could guide you and help you manage your budget or your investment portfolio.


The Ten of Cups is a very positive Card and the domain of Love is no exception! If for you shared love + house + children = total happiness, you are fulfilled or your wish is on the way to be granted. If you thought your ideal was less conventional, the Ten of Cups indicates that your desire to build, your desire for emotional security is real. You have to recognize it and honor it because you deserve this happiness.

If you are in a relationship, the Ten of Cups indicates that the emotional bond between the two of you is very strong. You can rely on trust and mutual feelings to build the “cozy nest” of your dreams.

If your relationship is currently in difficulty, open a dialogue with your partner in all kindness. Everyone seeks harmony and happiness on their own, but your efforts would be more fruitful if they were combined.


It’s time for a change! Make sure your change is all about healthy choices to work on your overall health and wellness.



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