Like all Tarot Aces, the Ace of Cups invites you to seize the opportunity offered to you, to drink the contents of the Cup. The promise ? Love, satisfaction and emotional healing!
To get it, the Ace of Cups asks you to take matters into your own hands, to be active in this pursuit of happiness and emotional stability. You may have to take a risk – express your feelings, express what your heart desires – for this flow of Love and Abundance to come to you.
With the Ace of Cups, it is also about “flow”, the flow of emotions, of the Energy exchanged between two people. The Ace of Cups indicates a new relationship of love or friendship that promises happiness and mutual understanding. It may also indicate that for this “flow” to resume, an “open heart” discussion must take place. It can be a question of forgiving, asking for forgiveness, forgetting anger and regret to “start from scratch” with a loved one.
The Ace of Cups is also a Card which for me symbolizes the Law of Attraction. If the Ace of Cups is about receiving, this Card also asks you to give. Now is a good time to express your generosity, to share, to give “a little of yourself” in any form. Finally, in Divinatory Draws, the Ace of Cups can announce a pregnancy, a birth.
“Ace of Cups is a Card synonymous with Abundance. It is therefore a very good sign in a Draw regarding finances. However, in this area, emotions should not take precedence over thinking and planning. You always have to work on creating Abundance, even with a Card that seems to serve you it on a silver platter. “The Ace of Cups indicates that now is the perfect time to take charge of your budget with a ‘fresh look’, through a new approach or a new tool for example.
The Ace of Cups is one of the best Cards in a Love Draw, especially if you are looking for Love. Do not passively wait for the Universe to put your Soulmate in your path. Go actively to meet him! You will soon meet a person who will capsize your Heart.
If you are in a relationship, you have the opportunity to move forward in the relationship – with a marriage or a child, for example – or to “start from scratch”, if the relationship has been marked by difficulties recently. The key is to feel and express the emotional connection you have to each other.
You are going to feel great. If you are undergoing some hard times things will get better soon.