Daily Tarot - Nine Of Swords

Reveal Your Tarot Card Destiny That You Have Picked

Nine Of Swords

Daily Tarot - Nine Of Swords

At the heart of the Nine of Swords is the energy of anxiety and worry. It suggests all the psychological manifestations of these difficulties: insomnia, nightmares, rumination, isolation and depression.

Unfortunately, the Nine of Swords is an energy that we all encounter in our lives. Anxiety thoughts, remorse or regrets are circling in your head. You rehash the difficulties of the past and the decisions you have made. It’s also possible that your future is the cause of all of this anxiety. The challenge for you is therefore to understand where your anxiety comes from and what changes to make to free yourself from it in the long term.

The Nine of the Swords is a Card that indicates psychological stress. Your difficulties are created by your mind and do not necessarily reflect the material difficulties in your life. This does not mean that your psychological difficulties are not real. Your mind shapes the way you view the world. Your mind is tormented, so you perceive the world as a threat … but it is not necessarily the material truth of things. You can choose to take a more tempered look at your surroundings and give yourself a chance to step back and calm your anxiety.

The Nine of the Sword can also indicate that you are too hard on yourself. Instead of being your most ardent supporter, you blame yourself and harbor a muffled anger towards yourself. Instead, try to see your successes and reward your efforts. Adopt a benevolent inner dialogue towards yourself.


The Nine of the Sword indicates that your finances are a source of growing anxiety. Losing your job, not being able to support your lifestyle, not being able to pay your bills, these are the painful thoughts that occupy your mind. Worse yet, your anxiety prevents you from seeing your situation for what it really is. You need to regain control of your finances by first establishing your Revenue / Expense budget. Ask for help if needed. You can get out of this situation if you take it into your own hands.


In a Draw regarding romantic relationships, the Nine of the Sword indicates that your relationship is a source of great anxiety. Arguments, words spoken out of anger, doubts: you feel great torment and you are far from the serenity that the couple should bring you. It is possible that you are going through a difficult period from which you may come out more united. It is also possible that you are not made for each other. You need to overcome your fear and find out where your relationship really is to make a conscious decision about what you want to do. In this analytical work, you may need the listening ear of a friend or therapist.

If you are looking for Love, do not be so hard on yourself. You have a past, you have made mistakes … Like everyone else. Let go of your fears, let go of your anxiety so that you have a real chance to show who you are and what you can do for others. Trust yourself. Focus your Energy on the encounter and not on your romantic past or your fear of failure.



Go check your health, make a doctor’s appointment a priority as you might be starting suffering with migraines and insomnia. Ask for help if needed. 



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