There are few Cards in the Tarot that represent group activity. The Hierophant teaches a class, the characters of the Three of Denier co-construct their project… and the three young women of the Three of Cups celebrate their friendship, with joy and good humor!
The Three of Cups is “the” Card for the feast and celebrations: weddings, vacations, feasts and joyous gatherings. Its Energy is therefore united, festive, fun, even “offbeat”. It is about being in a moment that is out of the ordinary, which connects you to others, to your “tribe”, your Community … to strengthen the bonds and do good to the Soul. The energy is overflowing and morale is high. It’s stimulating and exhilarating!
Even more, this Card is about being and vibrating together, with the people dearest to our hearts. The Three of Cups thus evokes solidarity, the community, this factor which connects us to the others, which makes us say “We are made of the same wood!” “It is a Map of Mutual Understanding and Empathy.
If you feel isolated or “disconnected” from others at the time of the Draw, the Three of Cups heralds a period of openness or a richer social life. Now is the time to call friends – old or new – and organize an outing, a party … Not just to take your mind off things, but to find others and (re) connect with the world.
The Three of Cups is first and foremost a Card of abundance and shared pleasure. Indeed, if the Draw is on the Consultant’s finances, it can be reasonably inferred that if the financial situation is difficult at this time, it should improve.
The Three of Cups also reminds us that even if “times are tough”, indulging yourself remains a necessity. If the Consultant tends to put the needs of others before his own, the Three of Cups reminds that his needs are just as important as those of others.
The Three of Cups is a very nice card when it comes to love in a Draw because it evokes mutual understanding, support and shared feelings.
If you are single, you can rely on your friends and network to meet interesting people. All the events involving the notion of a group should not be neglected either: group lessons, concerts, meetings …
If you are going through a difficult time in your relationship, the Three of Cups can symbolize a love triangle. Something or someone interferes in your relationship and disturbs their harmony.
The negativity in your health sphere is over. Good news are coming your way.