The High Priestess is card number II of the Major Arcana. With this card we leave the material plane, represented by the previous Arcanum, to enter the psychological plane of the human being.
In traditional decks, the High Priestess is represented as a mature and wisdom-inspiring female figure and wears a tunic and cloak, which represent the typical outfit of the High Priestesses, who are far ahead on the evolutionary path. She also wears a tiara, which can generally be associated with the knowledge of the higher planes, just as the open book that she has in her womb, which represents the Book of Life, can also be associated with this higher knowledge.
Usually, as the background of the card there is a half moon, symbol of the Divine Feminine and the unconscious, moreover, this female figure sits on a throne, between two columns, which represent nothing more than the two cabalistic pillars on which this is developed. advanced esoteric knowledge which is precisely the cabala. According to some schools, the fact that the High Priestess is in the center between the two pillars may indicate precisely the union between opposites, therefore the overcoming of dualism.
Usually, the High Priestess can indicate some female person, a severe and wise woman, who loves knowledge and morality perhaps in an excessive way. Surely, she is a woman who prefers platonic relationships, devoid of sexuality, in which affection is not manifested. It can also indicate that the time has come to look out into spirituality and evolution. The High Priestess card however advises to take care of one’s spiritual side, to acquire new knowledge that can lead to prestige and to acquire a state of wisdom and maturity that can lead to being a valid spiritual guide.
In the economic field, the High Priestess indicates that surely one is able to use one’s knowledge to be able to manage money, furthermore by indicating a prestigious personality certainly also implies the money obtained from the prestige obtained. the High Priestess indicates a person who is very dedicated to her work and who often occupies important positions. The types of work associated with this Arcanum are those that require intuition and sensitivity and a good degree of dedication such as: the midwife, the student, the researcher, the psychologist, the teacher, the nurse, the nun, the secretary or the psychic.
In love, the High Priestess indicates a solid relationship, in which there is commitment, there is a desire to build a house together with the partner but where passion is lacking and affection is rarely shown.
The High Priestess is associated with the head, forehead and pituitary gland, so it could indicate physical ailments such as headaches or a person full of phobias.