The Seven of Swords is an Energy that evokes theft, deception and lies. When she appears in a Raffle, she can warn you about covert activity, comments made behind your back, secrecy that can amount to infidelity or breach of trust.
When the Seven of Swords appears in a Draw, you should be careful about the intentions of those around you in relation to you. It is possible that someone is trying to use you, mess with you, or engage in some shady activity. Be on your guard and trust your feelings about each other’s attitudes.
The Seven of Swords can also indicate that you are the source of the deception and that your actions are questionable. You may try to shirk your responsibilities or take shortcuts to achieving your goals. Always be able to have a clear conscience and act aligned with your Authentic Being. Ease is not always the surest route to success.
The Seven of Swords is often confused with the Five of Swords because the illustration of the two Cards and their Energy are similar. The two Cards have the notion of “theft” in common, but it is expressed differently in the two Cards. The Five of Swords seeks to harm, to destroy while the Seven of Swords, though devious, seeks to survive. He can hide behind his actions a real need or a real distress.
When it comes to money and finances, beware of theft in all its forms. The Seven of Swords is a Card of betrayal and deceit. Secure your money and property. Check your accounts and assets. Purchase the insurance or professional services necessary for your protection. The Seven of Swords also indicates that the time is not favorable for investments or partnerships. These proposals could be questionable.
In a Draw concerning romantic relationships, the Seven of Swords is not a very happy card. It indicates a certain degree of deception, of concealment that can emanate from you, your partner or your suitors. This negative energy most often takes the form of infidelity but it can also take the form of any type of lie that may impact the relationship (still married person who tells you otherwise, person who lies about their professional situation, etc.)
In any case, the relationship is not or no longer built on healthy and frank foundations. One of you is wearing a mask and that mask will fall off one day. If you are the lover or mistress of this relationship, you aspire to live your relationship in the open. To save the relationship, it’s time to break the deadlock and straighten things out. You deserve a relationship where you can be yourself without fear of toxic actions.
If you are looking for Love, be careful! Take the time to get to know the person and give them enough opportunities to show you who they really are.
It’s time for you to get tested to check your help. If you already got tested maybe it’s time to go a little bit in deep with some other different tests. It’s the best way to prevent any illness and to work on a proper remedy as soon as possible.