Daily Tarot - Nine Of Cups

Reveal Your Tarot Card Destiny That You Have Picked

Nine Of Cups

Daily Tarot - Nine Of Cups

The Nine of Cups is one of the most positive Cards in the Tarot because it expresses the satisfaction and contentment of the Heart. The Nine of Cups is “the” sign that your desire may well turn into reality and that the path taken was indeed that of success! Now is the time to think carefully about what you want and make a wish! The Universe just might send exactly what you wanted.

The satisfaction expressed by the Nine of Cups can take different forms. The Suite of Cups indicates contentment with emotions – a romantic relationship or a friendship that consolidates, for example – but it can also be a satisfaction of the body or the spirit. The Card expresses the renewed confidence and positivity in the face of this Abundance offered by Life. Now is the time to take a break and fully appreciate this happiness.

The downside to the Nine of Cups Energy would be to slowly slide towards “It’s not enough yet!” Instead of enjoying these Nine Cups, you might want and ask for more. Energy can quickly slip into excess: partying “too much”, eating “too much”, letting go. The Nine of Cups can sometimes herald a disappointing future. Sometimes you intensely wish for something, get it … only to find that in the end, it is not at all what you expected or needed! The Nine of Cups can symbolize this disappointment and this return to reality.


In the Realm of Money and Finance, the Heart is content with financial security.

The Nine of Cups blows you: “It’s going to be fine, breathe!” “

This doesn’t mean you are going to double your pay or win the Loto… but the pressure on Finance is going down and the associated anxiety too. A solution to the problem can be found.

In terms of Abundance, the Nine of Cups also expresses the idea that you realize that what you have is “enough”. Is it necessary to always strive for “more”? Feel Gratitude for what makes you happy today.


With this Card, not only is the Heart satisfied – but so too is body and mind!

If you are looking for Love, the Nine of Cups is a great sign that a good meeting can happen in the near future. So do not hesitate to go out, to meet the other, without a preconceived idea. Be well aligned with the qualities you are looking for in the other and be clear about your expectations because you might get exactly what you hoped for.

If you are in a relationship, you can expect the emotional bond between you and your partner to strengthen. ” This is serious ! “It’s off to a good start! “Everyone is content with the presence of the other by his / her side and what he / she brings to him / her in Life. Appreciate this moment and express to your partner what exactly creates your satisfaction and your joy.

If you are going through a difficult phase, the Nine of Cups invites you to find in the other the treasure that has satisfied you in the past. You are invited to focus on what goes between you, on the strengths of your couple, your common history. Be grateful to each other and seek to ease tensions.


Some great improvements are coming your way. If you been struggling with some health issue you are going to feel better very soon. 



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